Thursday Snippets, 28 May

Recreational sailing again at Albert Sailing Club on saturday 30th May. Club foyer, boatyard and toilets open from 10 – 4pm. No club racing permitted and no RHIB patrol boat crew planned for this week, so check weather conditions before you come down. The final week of the online Corona Non-Sailing Series is at 2pm on sunday, with entry via the tab under Sailing on the club website.

Noah Bajayo from ASC partipated in the online Victorian eSailing championships last weekend. He progressed from the Elimination races on saturday, to sail in the Final on Sunday where he finished 7th overall out of 10. Well done Noah. The Australian eSailing Champs are on Thursday night at 7pm with details on Australian Sailing Facebook.

A group of half a dozen members sailed at various times on tuesday, which was a top Melbourne Autumn day. The Lake conditions were great for sailing. They plan to repeat with am or pm sailing on the next good midweek day in the next couple of weeks. If you are interested in coming down midweek for an afternoon sail when others are down, send an email to Rod via, and we will include you on the email list, with distribution the day before a planned midweek sailing day.

Club sailing in Victoria continues at a recreational, non competitive level, and will continue as such until the Government advises otherwise. We are liasing with the junior VIODA Optimist class on commencment of an Opti winter program, with details to be finalised soon.
There will be an ASC saturday duty roster out mid June, with provision for RHIB crews. Some members in more vulnerable categories may not be available. If you are available to help out by placement on a backup list in June or July, send an email to Steve Dunn via

If you are planning to come down to the club some key considerations are :
* Stay away if you are unwell or are awaiting COVID19 test results.
* everyone whether sailing or not needs to sign in and sign out on a Form in the club foyer ;
* if sailing arrive ready to sail.
* rig boats in designated rigging area at southern end or northern end foreshore in front of club buildings
* wipe down door handles, taps and hard surfaces in downstairs areas you touch.
The SEDA educational group are down using our clubrooms Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for the middle few hours of the day. Unfortunately, while they can use the upstairs clubrooms, members are for now not able to, and we await government announcements as to when this is possible.

Rod Thomas
for ASC Committee


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