Thursday Snippets, 9 July2020

   All sailing programs on Albert Park Lake and in metropolitan Melbourne were suspended from Thursday 8 July for a period at this stage of 6 weeks till mid August. This includes club racing on saturdays, VIODA Optimist winter training programs on sundays, and any training activities. The clubhouse which includes the upstairs clubrooms, and the downstairs training room, changerooms and toilets are closed to club members and visitors. There may be some midweek use by SEDA educational group students and teachers., to be confirmed.

   Based on the Government Regulations and the latest Australian Sailing advice recreational sailing, without a competitive or training component, is allowable on Albert Park Lake and other Melbourne Metropolitan venues as long as it is only with members of your household, or with one person from outside your household, and the 1.5 metre social distancing rule is adhered to at all times. Double handed dinghy sailing is ruled out until further notice and No sharing of equipment. The relevant Victorian Government Regulations and Australian Sailing advice is shown below.

   We are assuming that club members who have a club key and swipe card can access their boat in the ASC boatyard. To do so enter the boatyard by the most direct route through the club foyer. Open boatyard gates to take a boat out or to return it, and leave them closed and locked when not being used for boat movement. Any member so doing needs to enter their details on the Sign in form in the foyer and wipe down door handles, locks, pens and shared surfaces with disinfectant wipes. You would come dressed to go sailing and leave in your sailing gear.

   A restart of club sailing and clubhouse activities depends on Government announcements on easing of restrictions, not expected before mid July.

   We will keep you informed of further developments via Weekly Thursday Snippets and the club Internet website.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

As at 8 July 2020

Current Victorian Governement Stage 3 COVID19 restrictions are that ”  Community sport training and competition cannot occur within the Melbourne metropolitan area or the Shire of Mitchell. If you live in this area you cannot participate in community sport elsewhere.” further    “Outdoor sport facilities will be closed, except for facilities where people can exercise with no more than one other person or members of your household while maintaining 1.5 metres distance. Equipment should not be shared, and communal facilities cannot open.”

Australian Sailing is working with Sport and Recreation Victoria to confirm their interpretation of the stage 3 restrictions that are being reintroduced at 11.59pm Wednesday the 8th of July. A full updated framework will be available (on the Australian Sailing COVID19 website) in the coming days.

Australian Sailing’s initial interpretation of the new stage 3 restrictions are:

All club training and organised sailing must stop as of 11.59pm tonight (Wednesday 8 July)
Recreational boating my continue as long as it is with members of your household, or with one person from outside your household. However, the 1.5 meter social distancing rule must be adhered to at all times and there is to be NO sharing of equipment. So this now rules out all double handed dinghy sailing until further notice.
Informal training is NOT allowed. It is not seen as recreational boating.
Club facilities (meeting rooms, changing rooms, toilets, cafes, restaurants, canteens etc) should be closed, except for the delivery of takeaway meals and drinks.
Please note that for all clubs in Regional Victoria that sit outside the suburbs in Greater Melbourne and the Shire of Mitchell. The move back to stage 3 does not effect you. There has been no change to your restrictions, so sailing may continue as per the guidelines introduced on the 22nd of June.

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