Thursday Snippets, 30 July

     With no club racing or training activity possible we have a Virtual online “ASC Drinks and Chat” 4pm – 5pm on saturday 1st August. Join in at “Doug’s Virtual Bar” using the Zoom link :
Recreational sailing is possible on Albert Park Lake under specific regulations and guidelines for exercise in Melbourne. Guidelines have been posted on our club website

To participate in the Zoom chat on saturday you need a PC, laptop or smartphone with inbuilt or connected microphone and camera. When admitted to the session click on the video and audio icons.

An item belonging to Dr A Illingworth was found on the club premises Monday morning. Contact Rod via if this is yours.

Other News

A new Australian Sabre class website was launched mid July and is recommended for Sabre sailors at all levels and anyone sailing a single handed dinghy class boat. Check it out at It has been purpose-built to provide up-to-date class information with direct links to Facebook, Email Newsletter, Sabre Your Tube Videos, a Sabre Forum and Boats for Sale.

Rod Thomas 
for Albert Sailing Club committee

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