Thursday Snippets, 13 August

Hi fellow hibernating sailors and supporters. With stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne no boating activity in the Greater Melbourne Metropolitan area continues. There will again be a Virtual online “ASC Drinks and Chat” 4pm – 5pm on saturday 15th August. Join us at “Doug’s Virtual Bar” from your PC, Tablet or Smart phone using the Zoom link :

Last saturday afternoon Cindy shared a video clip of her sailing adventure on a Dutch tall ship in a storm off Gabo Island. David Scammell followed up with a video clip on his sailing in the UK on the original Ian Murray 18 foot skiff in the UK. This week there will be some discussion of online Virtual Sailing and upcoming ASC virtual sailing options. What else will people bring to this week’s Drinks and Chat ?

We are going to re-start online Virtual Sailing at ASC and are looking at options and timings for competition sails and some more laid back less competitive online sails for the next few weeks. If interested send an email to our Rear Commodore Steve Dunn via To find out more about Virtual Sailing try googling Virtual Sailing. You can join in via PC, laptop or Tablet device from an Internet browser or from a smart phone using the downloaded app. There is no fee to play the basic format and you register at Virtual Regatta

In Other News
Parks Victoria have advised that during Stage 4 restrictions they are not processing Car Parking Permit renewals or new applications. We will advise through Snippets on when processing re-commences and the online process for doing so.

Sailing Events in Australia and around the World are few and far between at the moment., with most events being cancelled and re-scheduled. The annual Airlie Beach regatta for keel boats and trailables in Queensland finishes on the weekend. Australia’s largest annual keel boat regatta the Hamilton Island Race Week was scheduled for next week, but has been cancelled with the lockout of Race Management crew from Sydney and Melbourne a major factor.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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