Sailing has resumed at Albert Sailing Club, for the next couple of weeks only for people who live or work within 25 kilometres of Albert Park Lake. On the weekend the clubrooms will be open on Saturday 31st from around 10.15am until 4.30. No specific sailing activities programmed, but there may be a scratch race at around 2.15/2.30 depending on weather conditions and interest level. Clarification is being sought from Australian Sailing on opening of upstairs clubrooms as there is ambiguity in current guidance. Until clarified the upstairs clubrooms and decking will remained closed for use by club members and their visitors. In the interim we will look to provide some seating in the boatyard and outdoors area in front of the club or bring your own outdoor chair.
In re-opening the health and safety of our club members is a priority. Members and visitors, whether sailing or not, are asked to read and follow the current Albert Sailing Club COVID19 Safe Plan guidelines detailed on
A number of club members in their single handed boats and a visiting Laser Radial junior had a sail on Albert Park Lake in near perfect conditions on wednesday afternoon. In the latter part of the afternoon a couple of Mirrors were out with two families enjoying their first sail since early March. Photo of Silke Shwartz and her daughter before heading out is attached. Ongoing we expect more informal wednesday afternoon sailing provided the weather is suitable with no current wind warnings.
The announcements from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on Monday 26th October provided for resumption of non contact sports, including sailing for adults and juniors, within a framework of restrictions. Further details on what this means for sailing clubs come to us via Australian Sailing, with weekly and sometimes more often updates incorporated into our ASC COVID Safe Plan guidelines.
Specific plans and programs for resumption of ASC club racing, training and social activities are currently under consideration by club committee members and key activity coordinators. If you could assist in one of these areas contact Cindy through or Rod (Vice Commodore) or Steve (Rear Commodore for sailing). Program etails will be progressively placed on our club website in the next 2 or 3 weeks, with updates through our weekly Thursday Snippets Facebook posts and emails.
Rod Thomas for ASC committee
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Thursday Snippets, 29 October
Sailing has resumed at Albert Sailing Club, for the next couple of weeks only for people who live or work within 25 kilometres of Albert Park Lake. On the weekend the clubrooms will be open on Saturday 31st from around 10.15am until 4.30. No specific sailing activities programmed, but there may be a scratch race at around 2.15/2.30 depending on weather conditions and interest level. Clarification is being sought from Australian Sailing on opening of upstairs clubrooms as there is ambiguity in current guidance. Until clarified the upstairs clubrooms and decking will remained closed for use by club members and their visitors. In the interim we will look to provide some seating in the boatyard and outdoors area in front of the club or bring your own outdoor chair.
In re-opening the health and safety of our club members is a priority. Members and visitors, whether sailing or not, are asked to read and follow the current Albert Sailing Club COVID19 Safe Plan guidelines detailed on
A number of club members in their single handed boats and a visiting Laser Radial junior had a sail on Albert Park Lake in near perfect conditions on wednesday afternoon. In the latter part of the afternoon a couple of Mirrors were out with two families enjoying their first sail since early March. Photo of Silke Shwartz and her daughter before heading out is attached. Ongoing we expect more informal wednesday afternoon sailing provided the weather is suitable with no current wind warnings.
The announcements from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on Monday 26th October provided for resumption of non contact sports, including sailing for adults and juniors, within a framework of restrictions. Further details on what this means for sailing clubs come to us via Australian Sailing, with weekly and sometimes more often updates incorporated into our ASC COVID Safe Plan guidelines.
Specific plans and programs for resumption of ASC club racing, training and social activities are currently under consideration by club committee members and key activity coordinators. If you could assist in one of these areas contact Cindy through or Rod (Vice Commodore) or Steve (Rear Commodore for sailing). Program etails will be progressively placed on our club website in the next 2 or 3 weeks, with updates through our weekly Thursday Snippets Facebook posts and emails.
Rod Thomas
for ASC committee