Thursday Snippets, 13 May 2021

     Sailing on both days of 15/16 May weekend with cool wintry weather predicted both days. Winter season club race at 2pm on saturday, with information session at 1.15 and club open by 10.30am. VIODA Optimist winter coaching program continues 1 to 4pm on sunday.
     Perpetual trophies for 2020 were presented at ASC clubrooms on saturday 8th. The Bill Larkins Overall Club Champion trophy was presented to Paul Farrell by Rob Larkins who sailed at ASC as a junior in Sabots and then in his youth in a Moth. (Paul, Rob and Cindy pictured) Rob’s father was a Commodore of ASC in the 1960’s and played as significant role in the building of the original clubrooms.
     The presentations were followed by the club’s Annual General Meeting. AGM reports can be found on the AGM tab under The Club on Cindy Tilbrook was elected for her third term as Commodore and all nominees were duly elected to the 2021/22 club committee. We look forward to a full club year ahead.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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