The forecast is looking reasonable for friday and saturday. For those who live within 15 kilometres of Albert Park Lake you can sail on Albert Park Lake or enjoy the park as part of your exercise regime.
There will be a few of us down sailing on saturday afternoon 9th October. Also some likely on wednesday. For those with a boat in the yard without a key the yard will be open from 1.30 to 2pm on saturday 9th for movement of boats in or out, and opened for a short period mid afternoon.
Some messages for members to note : * All members should now have received their membership invoice for 2021/22. If you haven’t seen it check your junk or spam email. Invoice queries can be directed to Cindy ( or Joe (treasurer * The Australian Sailing Nautical News was sent out this week Australian Sailing is strongly encouraging all members of the sailing community to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The roadmaps to opening are linked to varying vaccination levels, and the sooner we are all vaccinated, the sooner we can all get back to community sport and on the water. Australian Sailing continues to liaise with state governments on public health orders and advocating for a resumption of sailing for all as soon as possible. * The October meeting of the Albert Sailing Club committee will be another Zoom meeting at 7.30pm on thursday 14th October. Contact if you have an item to raise or seek to attend.
The clubrooms including the foyer remain closed. If you are coming down to sail or visit login with QR code at the middle boatyard gate, wear a mask at all times on shore, and maintain distancing in line with gathering limits.
Thursday Snippets, 7 October
The forecast is looking reasonable for friday and saturday. For those who live within 15 kilometres of Albert Park Lake you can sail on Albert Park Lake or enjoy the park as part of your exercise regime.
There will be a few of us down sailing on saturday afternoon 9th October. Also some likely on wednesday. For those with a boat in the yard without a key the yard will be open from 1.30 to 2pm on saturday 9th for movement of boats in or out, and opened for a short period mid afternoon.
Some messages for members to note :
* All members should now have received their membership invoice for 2021/22. If you haven’t seen it check your junk or spam email. Invoice queries can be directed to Cindy ( or Joe (treasurer
* The Australian Sailing Nautical News was sent out this week
Australian Sailing is strongly encouraging all members of the sailing community to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
The roadmaps to opening are linked to varying vaccination levels, and the sooner we are all vaccinated, the sooner we can all get back to community sport and on the water. Australian Sailing continues to liaise with state governments on public health orders and advocating for a resumption of sailing for all as soon as possible.
* The October meeting of the Albert Sailing Club committee will be another Zoom meeting at 7.30pm on thursday 14th October. Contact if you have an item to raise or seek to attend.
The clubrooms including the foyer remain closed. If you are coming down to sail or visit login with QR code at the middle boatyard gate, wear a mask at all times on shore, and maintain distancing in line with gathering limits.
Keep exercising and keep safe
Rod Thomas