Saturday 13th November club sailing day with Summer Series 1 club race at 2.30, and club open from 10.30. Club training boats available for use by members and non members at 11am or from 1/1.30pm. Steve Dunn has plans to sail the club’s RS Quest. Check the forecast late afternoon/evening on Friday. The weather could be OK for sailing saturday afternoon.
Friday 19th November our first Post Lockdown Twilight Sailing at ASC with BBQ and drinks on club decking or clubrooms. Sail your own boat or club boats available for members. Club open from 5pm, BBQ and drinks from around 6.15. Family and friends welcome. As it is weather dependant check Thursday Snippets on 18th for confirmation.
Sunday 28th November Monthly Social Sailing Day.
Call for items and photos for our Summer Mudpuddler newsletter. Content on boating related lockdown and post lockdown activities sought. Submission deadline is Tuesday 23rd November. Send contributions to Rod via for on-forwarding to our Newsletter editor Maddy.
ASC COVID Safe plan requirements apply for all club events. This includes QR code or alternative for each day come to the club; evidence of vaccination status if not already provided; and currently face masks when inside clubrooms.
Rod Thomas for ASC committee
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Thursday Snippets, 11 November
Saturday 13th November club sailing day with Summer Series 1 club race at 2.30, and club open from 10.30. Club training boats available for use by members and non members at 11am or from 1/1.30pm. Steve Dunn has plans to sail the club’s RS Quest. Check the forecast late afternoon/evening on Friday. The weather could be OK for sailing saturday afternoon.
Friday 19th November our first Post Lockdown Twilight Sailing at ASC with BBQ and drinks on club decking or clubrooms. Sail your own boat or club boats available for members. Club open from 5pm, BBQ and drinks from around 6.15. Family and friends welcome. As it is weather dependant check Thursday Snippets on 18th for confirmation.
Sunday 28th November Monthly Social Sailing Day.
Call for items and photos for our Summer Mudpuddler newsletter. Content on boating related lockdown and post lockdown activities sought. Submission deadline is Tuesday 23rd November. Send contributions to Rod via for on-forwarding to our Newsletter editor Maddy.
ASC COVID Safe plan requirements apply for all club events. This includes QR code or alternative for each day come to the club; evidence of vaccination status if not already provided; and currently face masks when inside clubrooms.
Rod Thomas
for ASC committee