Thursday Snippets, 25 November

A full weekend at Albert Sailing Club on 27/28 November weekend. Summer Championship 1 club race on 27th at 2.30pm with club open from 10.30 for morning and afternoon casual sailing. On 28th we have our monthly Sunday Sailing Day from 10am – 3pm. In the morning come down for tea or coffee and a chat in our club lounge. For our Women and Girls arrive by 10.20 for briefing for an informal short race in club boats or your own. Club training boats available for members and guests both days, with priority for Zests on sunday morning for the W&G sailing.

This year we are having an ASC Festive Season celebration after sailing on 11 December our final club race for the year. For members, their families and guests. A catered meal is being organised. Details and bookings on the link on

ASC COVID Safe Plan applies for all attendances at our club. You need to click on QR code or complete check in form in club foyer each day you come to the club.
You need to provide evidence of double vaccination or exemption status to enter upstairs clubrooms on first time at club since start of November and strongly encouraged to do so if only using downstairs facilities.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee



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