Thursday Snippets, 2 June

Winter has well and truly arrived in Melbourne. On the 4/5 June weekend we have club sailing day on saturday with club race at 2pm, and VIODA Optimist winter training from 1pm on sunday.
Slickers, westsuit and beanies weather !
There is a break from club sailing and VIODA training on the Queen’s Birthday weekend 11th to 13th June. Mid Winters Regatta at Sorrento for Laser and Optimist sailors.

Albert Sailing Club’s ‘ Top of the Bay’ regatta is on saturday 25 June (pm) and sunday 26 June (am and pm). Entries accepted for one or both days, with Details and Registration link on
If you are not going to sail we need people for on-water or off-water assistance If available let our Regatta Race Officer Cindy know ( with indication of whether available on Saturday, Sunday or both.

To see CURRENT CONDITIONS ON THE LAKE, view our webcam on any time day or night.

Rod Thomas

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