Saturday 17th September is the 3rd and final week of the annual Bill Hooper series. Club open from 10am, with Information Session at Albert Sailing Club at 1.30 for short races from 2pm. Albert Park Yacht CLub has a traditional welcome to country and smoking ceremony in front of their club at 11.30 to celebrate the 150 years people of Melbourne have occupied and enjoyed the land and waters of Albert Park. Albert Sailing Club members and anyone else in the area late saturday morning has been invited to attend.
Tuesday 20th September is a school holiday sailing day with adults and family members welcome to sail during the day. There is a juniors training program 9.30 to 4pm for ASC youth with sailing experience. Club committee meeting in our clubrooms from 7pm that night.
It was a big weekend at Albert Park on the 10th and 11th September weekend. At Albert Sailing Club we had a well attended and productive working bee on the saturday, and we were pleased to hosted the Optimist Association Girls and Mum’s weekend. This was the final weekend of a very successful VIODA Winter/early Spring program at ASC. (Good photo of the VIODA girls enclosed). There was also a well attended and successful two day City Sail Women’s and Girls Coaching Regatta on the Lake across the weekend .
Upcoming ———– Over the extended long weekend the club takes a break over and resumes with the Spring Sailing program on saturdays from 1st October. There are two Learn to Sail programs in Spring. The October program commences on sunday 9th October, with expression of interest registrations needed by Friday 23rd September. Registrations als oopen for November program.
See you at the Lake soon.
Rod Thomas for ASC committee
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Thursday Snippets, 15 September
Saturday 17th September is the 3rd and final week of the annual Bill Hooper series. Club open from 10am, with Information Session at Albert Sailing Club at 1.30 for short races from 2pm. Albert Park Yacht CLub has a traditional welcome to country and smoking ceremony in front of their club at 11.30 to celebrate the 150 years people of Melbourne have occupied and enjoyed the land and waters of Albert Park. Albert Sailing Club members and anyone else in the area late saturday morning has been invited to attend.
Tuesday 20th September is a school holiday sailing day with adults and family members welcome to sail during the day. There is a juniors training program 9.30 to 4pm for ASC youth with sailing experience. Club committee meeting in our clubrooms from 7pm that night.
It was a big weekend at Albert Park on the 10th and 11th September weekend. At Albert Sailing Club we had a well attended and productive working bee on the saturday, and we were pleased to hosted the Optimist Association Girls and Mum’s weekend. This was the final weekend of a very successful VIODA Winter/early Spring program at ASC. (Good photo of the VIODA girls enclosed).
There was also a well attended and successful two day City Sail Women’s and Girls Coaching Regatta on the Lake across the weekend .
Over the extended long weekend the club takes a break over and resumes with the Spring Sailing program on saturdays from 1st October.
There are two Learn to Sail programs in Spring. The October program commences on sunday 9th October, with expression of interest registrations needed by Friday 23rd September. Registrations als oopen for November program.
See you at the Lake soon.
Rod Thomas
for ASC committee