Thursday Snippets, 8 October

Saturday 8th October the club is open from 9.30am, with regular Summer Series club race from 2.30pm. For those interested in a morning sail, rig between 10 and 10.30, for a briefing in front of club at 10.30 and an 11am start for an informal short race or Lake sail. Club training boats available for member use with approval by a committee member at the club that morning., including the club’s Quest and Zest boats. Albert Park Yacht Club have a 2022/23 Sail Past at 2pm, with briefing for the Sailpast and the afternoon race in front of the APYC clubrooms at 1.30.

The ASC Mudpuddler Newsletter Spring edition was posted to members this week, with an online copy placed on the Home screen of It is another newsy Mudpuddler, which includes flyers and details of Upcoming events and activities. Thanks to our editor Maddy and to the contributors of articles and photos. Share a copy with family and friends who may be interested in sailing with us on Albert Park Lake.

On sunday 9th no programmed ASC activity. For anyone coming to the club on sunday you can drive in and park behind the club, but there will be some road restrictions in and around the Albert Park Reserve for the annual Round the Bay cycling event.

Sunday 23rd October Discover Sailing Public Open Day at Albert Sailing Club 10am – 3pm. Invite friends and extended family family who may have an interest in dinghy sailing to come down and check out our facilities and have a sail with or under the supervision of an experienced club member. Pre-Registration via link on  Members please volunteer to assist for a half day or full day through via the link on club website or a nominated club committee member.
Saturday 5th November. ASC Trivia Night at 7pm, with semi-catered meal from 6pm. Place in your diary, with more details in Mudpuddler Newsleter.
15th/16th October Sail Sandy Regatta at Sandringham Yacht Club. Traditionally the largest multi class club regatta for off the beach classes on Port Phillip
29th/30th October Cup Day ‘long weekend’. Sail Country at Albury Wodonga Yacht Club and Inland Championships Regatta for Laser and some other classes at Bendigo Yacht Club.

Rod Thomas

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