With the arrival of summer we have two busy days first two saturdays of December at Albert Sailing Club * On saturday 3rd there is another short informal morning race. Rig your own boat or a club training boat from 10am with Information Session in front of clubhouse at 10.30ish for informal race and sail at 11am. Club RS Zests and a Pacer or two will be available for use by members who need a boat. ASC/APYC Summer championship club race at 2.30. The weather forecast two days out looks good for a day of enjoyable sailing on Albert Park Lake. * Saturday 10th December we have an end of year Members Update meet at 12 noon, followed by Life Mambers trophy race at 2.30, and our end of year Festive Season and New Members Welcome function from late afternoon into the evening. All members whether sailing or not are encouraged to come down for the Members update session which will cover items such as : Unification discussions, ASC future strategy, training and mentoring. The Xmas function includes a subsidised catered meal, and bookings are required by the end of saturday 3rd. Numbers for it are looking good, with room for more to come and enjoy an end of year get together in our clubrooms. * In the preceding week. On friday 9th December the Victorian She Sails group will have an informal end of year function with BBQ at ASC clubrooms from 6pm. If there are any ASC women interested in attanding or assisting contact Cindy Tilbrook who is coordinating for ASC. The Australian Society of Marine Artists have their annual exhibition of Marine and Maritime Art at Victorian Artist Society rooms in Albert Street East Melbourne from 2nd to 13th December. With free entry, well worth a visit for those intrested in nautical art.
Looking further ahead * On Tuesday 20th December the club will be open from the middle of the day for afternoon and twilight sailing, with club training boats available for member use * After a short break the Club Sailing program resumes with 2 week short course Commodore’s Series on saturday 7th January.
Rod Thomas commodore@albertsc.org.au
Photo : Learn to Sail group with club Zests
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Thursday Snippets, 1 December
With the arrival of summer we have two busy days first two saturdays of December at Albert Sailing Club
* On saturday 3rd there is another short informal morning race. Rig your own boat or a club training boat from 10am with Information Session in front of clubhouse at 10.30ish for informal race and sail at 11am. Club RS Zests and a Pacer or two will be available for use by members who need a boat. ASC/APYC Summer championship club race at 2.30. The weather forecast two days out looks good for a day of enjoyable sailing on Albert Park Lake.
* Saturday 10th December we have an end of year Members Update meet at 12 noon, followed by Life Mambers trophy race at 2.30, and our end of year Festive Season and New Members Welcome function from late afternoon into the evening. All members whether sailing or not are encouraged to come down for the Members update session which will cover items such as : Unification discussions, ASC future strategy, training and mentoring. The Xmas function includes a subsidised catered meal, and bookings are required by the end of saturday 3rd. Numbers for it are looking good, with room for more to come and enjoy an end of year get together in our clubrooms.
* In the preceding week. On friday 9th December the Victorian She Sails group will have an informal end of year function with BBQ at ASC clubrooms from 6pm. If there are any ASC women interested in attanding or assisting contact Cindy Tilbrook who is coordinating for ASC.
The Australian Society of Marine Artists have their annual exhibition of Marine and Maritime Art at Victorian Artist Society rooms in Albert Street East Melbourne from 2nd to 13th December. With free entry, well worth a visit for those intrested in nautical art.
Looking further ahead
* On Tuesday 20th December the club will be open from the middle of the day for afternoon and twilight sailing, with club training boats available for member use
* After a short break the Club Sailing program resumes with 2 week short course Commodore’s Series on saturday 7th January.
Rod Thomas
Photo : Learn to Sail group with club Zests