Thursday Snippets, 23 February

Plenty scheduled at Albert Sailing Club on the 25/26 weekend and saturday 4th March over and above the regular club sailing days.

On saturday 25th February, there is another short informal morning race and/or casual sail. Rig your own boat or a club training boat from 10am with Information Session in front of clubhouse at 10.30ish and informal race or sail at 11am. Club RS Zests and a couple of Pacers and plastic Ozi Optis available for use by members.

Sunday 26th Week 3 of 4 week Learn to Sail program in club Zests from 9.30. Others welcome to sail, but club boats not available for use.

Midweek the temperature and wind forecasts for saturday 25th vary between TV stations on the timing for a cool change, so keep an eye out for  forecasts and actual conditions.
There is Victorian junior athletics championships on the 24/35 February weekend which may effect parking in Aquatic Drive. If driving in check with someone in ASC clubrooms if no spare car parking seems to be available.

Antarctica:  Between Two Continents”.in our clubrooms after sailing on Saturday, 4th May, 4.45 or 5pm depending on club race finishing time. Cindy Tilbrook will do a presentation based on her recent partial-circumnavigation of Antarctica.  Her month-long trip took her between South America and New Zealand following the coast of the continent aboard the second-most powerful icebreaker in the world.  Anyone with an interest in Antarctica travel generally, the amazing vessel on which she travelled, or Cindy’s trip in particular, is welcome to attend.

At lunchtime on Saturday 4th there will be a BBQ from around 12.30 on the club decking following the conclusion of the Summer Learn to Sail course that morning. Course participants and other club members welcome to share the BBQ and enjoy the social catchup

On the Labour Day long weekend in mid March no programmed sailing at Albert Sailing Club. there is Pacer and 125 State championships at Mordialloc Sailing Club, Marley Point Overnight Race for trailable yachts on Gippsland Lakes and others out sailing casually or an event elsewhere

Rod Thomas

Photo of some of the boats sailing at the Inverloch Wooden Classics Regatta on 18th and 19th February.


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