Thursday Snippets, 17 August

Another full weekend at Albert Sailing Club of the 16th and 17th August with Winter Series club race at 2pm on saturday, and on sunday 1 – 4pm Week 2 of the 4 Week Block 3 VIODA junior Optimist Winter Coaching program. 

Upcoming Events

Saturdays in August and September club sailing days with club races at 2pm.

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September Citysail Coaching and Racing Regatta on Albert Park Lake for Women and Girls skippers to be sailed from Albert Park Yacht Club.  Details and bookings on Currently we know of two ASC female ASC members entered. ASC members can get further information and discuss boat options with Rod down at our club or via

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Photo :  Six VIODA Optimsit class junior sailors who sailed our club regatta in June and the winter coaching program have participated in the  week long Qingdao International Optimist Training Camp & Regatta, Qingdao, China in mid August with Optimist sailors from China and other countries. A well organised exchange program which was a great experience for them and  the parents who travelled with them.

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