Thursday Snippets, 9 November

This coming week we have a big week of club activities.
* Club sailing day on Saturday 11th November. Monthly informal morning race at 11 Partially rig own or club boat by 10, then session on sailing upwind, and briefing at 10.30. Spring club race from 2.30. A RHIB ‘jockey’ assistant is needed for a patrol boat RHIB from 1pm.

* Thursday 16th November a new initiative with Twilight Sailing and a scrumptuous BBQ. This is a new initiative by the ASC Social Committee who warmly invites members, family and friends. Email by end of tuesday to register for the BBQ, and if a club member a training boat if required.
The sailing option is from 5pm to 7pm. Whether sailing or not join us on the balcony for the BBQ dinner available from 6.30 ($15 all you can eat: hamburgers, sausages, chicken skewers and salad and dessert) and a social drink. Hire of a club training boat (Zest, Pacer, Laser, or Ozi Opti) will be subject to weather conditions on the day.
Any postponement due to weather will be notified on by 7pm on the preceding day.
We look forward to seeing you there!
* Sunday 12th Week 1 of the Spring Learn to Sail program 9.30 to 4.30pm in club Zests.

To make the social sailing events a success, we need a pool of RHIB drivers and crew to assist with on-shore boat assistance and availability as a rescue boat driver/crew for this or future social sailing events so that we can contact the pool each time an event is scheduled and form a roster. Please email to add your name to the pool, and if you can assist on the 16th. Willing helpers will receive a FREE DINNER at the Twilight BBQ as a reward.

Send Mudpuddler Newsletter items to MAddy via,au

Rod Thomas

Checkout the action from the gusty Club race on the 28th October on our club Youtube site at
To improve video quality on your device click on the cogwheel on your screen and select the quality option.

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