Snippets 18 January 2024

This Saturday at the Club:

Saturday 20th January is Week 3 and the final week of the ASC-APYC Commodore Short Race Series, and the weather is looking fantastic with no rain and moderate winds. Two or three short-course races will commence at 2.30 p.m. and there will be a Green Fleet Division for less experienced people.

Whilst the Club Galley remains closed until early Feb, the BBQ will be serving the usual fare from 12 noon on the deck.  So come along and enjoy a wonderful day at the club.


Friday 26 January  Australia Day and Social Sailing at Albert Sailing Club.

ASC members, family and friends are invited to come along and enjoy a fun day of good company and a tasty BBQ lunch on the clubhouse deck.

A delicious BBQ lunch (baked potatoes, grilled corn, salads, variety of meats and pavlova) will be served from 1.00pm @ $12 pp. Bar will be open. To assist with catering, please email Gai ( with numbers or indicate on the list at the galley bar. Payment to be made on the day.

The club will be open from 10.30am, with Social Sailing from 11.00am-1.00pm (weather permitting). Club boats will be available for hire by approved members. Cancellation of sailing due to unfavourable weather will be advised on the ASC website the afternoon prior.


We look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday 3 February  Resumption of Club Summer Series.

Summer Championship Race 6 takes place on 3 February for all Divisions.  The Impulse Division race will incorporate a Mike Howell Memorial Race for Impulse sailors from APYC, ASC and other Victorian clubs, organised by the Albert Park Yacht Club in memory of long term APYC Impulse sailor Mike Howell. The trophy presentation for this special race will take place after sailing on the APYC deck, together with drinks from the APYC bar and a BBQ.

Saturday 10 February Top of the Bay Regatta at Williamstown Sailing Club

For members of clubs from Elwood to Altona including the two Albert Park Lake clubs. Notice of Race and online entry for this annual event on the afternoon of 10 February is at
This year there will again be a combined ASC and APYC club entry, and we need at least 5 entries from each club.  There will be no racing at the Lake on that day.

Aero National Championships at Mount Martha Yacht Club:

Ron Fergusson was against a tough fleet at these National Championships, including Krystal Weir, ex World Champion and Olympian.  Not surprisingly, Krystal won the Aero 7 title, with Ron in a very credible 10th position overall, including one 3rd placing.  Great effort Ron.

(Photo courtesy of the Mount Martha Yacht Club)

Recycling Cans and Bottles:

The club now has an account so that you can save all of those 10c recyclable containers and then donate the money to the club. If you want to collect/donate locally, full details of how to do this and the relevant bar-code/ID number are available from Cindy ( or at the club).  The kids/grandkids will love the process of feeding your cans into the machine if you have a local depot!

Alternatively, save and bring your eligible bottles/cans to the club and deposit them where indicated  in the marked containers near the upstairs door and downstairs near the bins.  Please check the eligibility mark on the can/bottle first and do not crush any cans.  Wine bottles are not eligible.This is an easy way to contribute to club funds as well as helping the environment.  Collect your own, collect from your neighbours, and let’s all get on board with this simple fundraising effort for our club.  If 50 club members each donated 1 container per day, the club would be over $1800 better of at the end of one year.  Very worthwhile.

Cindy Tilbrook

On behalf of Rod who is on a well-deserved break.

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