Thursday Snippets, 14 March 2024

The second and last club Sailing Day for March is on saturday 16th, with no scheduled sailing on the following F1 Grand Prix and Easter weekends. There is a members meeting in our clubrooms 11am to 12,15pm, and club race at 2.30. Club training boats available for hire by members after the Members meeting subject to weather conditions and approval by Don or Rod on the day.
The water level in the lake is just OK for sailing with raised centreboards following minimal rain in Melbourne since mid January and some bursts of hot weather since mid February including the scorcher on the Labour Day long weekend. We need rain for the Lake and its surrounding catchment area over the coming weeks .
On 16 and 17 March the only access to the club is via the Steel gates off Albert Road.
The Albert Park Reserve will be closed to all public access due to the F1 Grand Prix event from midnight on Monday 18 March to midnight 25 March, with some Park road closures after this period.

To join 11am club meeting on saturday 16th via online Zoom send an email to by 10am. Topic: ASC Committee meeting Join Zoom Meeting link is
Meeting ID: 225 862 4353
Passcode: ASC

For members who cannot make saturday morning meet an online alternative has been scheduled for 7.30 on tuesday 19th. Send an email for details to by 9pm on Monday


28 March Deadline for articles, photos and items interest for next Mucpuddler Newsletter. Send to with cc to
Monday 27 March to Monday 3 April Albert Park Reserve closed to public for F1 Grand Prix. No access to ASC clubrooms or boatyard.

Saturday 6 April Albert Sailing Club autumn sailing resumes with Informal morning race at 11 and club race at 2.30

Thursday 25 April Social day at Albert Sailing Club with sailing and socialising in afternoon and bBQ dinner. Put in your diary, with more details to follow.

Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April Yarrawonga YAcht Club Anzac Regatta incorporating Impulse class Victorian Championships.Next Thursday Snippets on 4 April.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Photo : ASC’s Kengo sailing off Sandringham in Victorian Optimist class Green Fleet State championships across the Labour Day long weekend.


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