Thursday Snippets, 30 May

Forecast for sailing on the 1/2 June weekend is for cooler more winter like temperatures, with some wind.
* Saturday club race from 2pm, with visitors welcome. Information Session and Signon at ASC.
* Sunday Week 3 of the VIODA Optimist Class Winter Coaching program 1 to 4pm.
If coming down on sunday note that entry to and parking in Aquatic Drive behind club and preceding Albert Road Drive closed from 8am to 12 noon for a 10km athletics road race. before 12 either park in Albert Road outside the Park or enter the Park’s steel gates and park in the Lakeside Stadium Car Park on western side of Lakeside Stadium.

On the Kings Birthday long weekend Social Sailing (no club race) listed in club calendar for saturday 8 June. The plan is for casual sailing 1 – 4pm, with a club RHIB in the water and club boats available for member use, provided the weather is reasonable. BYO lunch and relax with a drink from Doug’s Bar after sailing. Check the Thursday Snippets email/Facebook of 6 June for confirmation of arrangements. Assistance onshore or in the clubrooms on the saturday 8th will be appreciated.

Go to for the Notice of Race andRegistration link to enter for Albert Sailing Club’s annual Top of the Lake Regatta to be sailed on 22 and 23 June.
Multiple short races scheduled from early saturday afternoon, then mid morning to mid afternoon sunday. We look forward to entries from Albert Park Lake club members and visitors from other clubs.
The regatta incorporates the ASC-APYC Winter Series race on the saturday afternoon and all ASC and APYC members sailing that race are asked  to register for the Regatta saturday afternoon session in advance of the 22nd. Also anyone who can assist on the Regatta weekend should contact Cindy via

APYC Wintersail Coaching Regatta 12 – 14 July, last 3 days of the school Holidays, for junior classes. Details on

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Regatta post with invite text sent to Clubs , Class Associations and Australian Sailing Victoria. On forward to people outside our club who many be interested.

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