Thursday Snippets, 30 January

Saturday 1st February back to sailing at the Lake. Option of short informal race at 11am or casual sailing morning and lunchtime period. Summer Series Race at 2.30.
Club open from 9.30. Information Session for morning session in clubrooms at 10.20 for 11am start. ASC, APYC members and visitors other clubs welcome. Sail own boat or ASC members can hire a club training boat, with allocations through Rod 9.45 to 10.15 or lunchtime period. For afternoon race Sign On and Information Session at Albert Sailing Club.

8/9 February No programmed racing at Lake with Top of Bay Regatta at Elwood, but just added in a Social/Social Sailing afternoon at ASC on Sunday 9th

Saturday 8 February Top of the Bay Regatta at Elwood Sailing Club for members of clubs from Elwood around to Altona including the two Albert Park Lake clubs
There will again be a combined ASC and APYC club entry, and we need at least 5 entries from each club. . Notice of Race and online entry for this annual event on the afternoon of 8 February is on ASC members can discuss further with Rear Commodore Rod, APYC members with Jonathon Pulham.

Sunday 9 February  Clubrooms open from 12 noon. Option to have BYO lunch or lunch from nearby Cafe. Club RHIB in water from 1.30 to 4pm. Club training boats available for members use in the 1.30 to 4pm period, with allocations through Rod 1.30 to 2pm.

11th Annual Inverloch Classic Dinghy Regatta hosted by the South Gippsland YAcht Club at Inverloch on  Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th February.  The purpose of the regatta is for owner/sailors to get wooden dinghy class sailing boats on the water in ssome short novelty races and to display to the public the variety of timber sailing dinghies. Details on

Our club secretary Tim has found his local Aldi store is selling boat covers, with different sizes including large and small. Check it out if you need a cover.

Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club committee and members

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