Thursday Snippets, 11 June

On saturday 13th June. Albert Sailing Club will again be open 10am – 4pm for recreational sailing on Albert Park Lake. Everyone who comes down whether sailing or as a visitor needs to sign in in the club foyer and follow physical hygiene and cleaning protocols. Boat rigging in areas at northern and southern ends of club buildings, with a limit of 20 people per area. Club toilets will be open, but changerooms continue to be closed.

The Victorian Optimist Association Winter program returns to the Lake with a 12 week program on sunday afternoons at Albert Sailing Club commencing on sunday 21st June Details are being published on the VIODA Facebook.

The ASC committee met on wednesday and again had a full Agenda. A report was considered on the resumption of Albert Sailing Club following the COVID19 lockdown period. Recreational sailing commenced in late May with a few down to sail on saturdays, and also during the week. The ASC COVID19 Safe plan is in place and is being well followed. Last Friday the carpets in the upstairs clubrooms were cleaned and have come up looking and smelling good ! Planning is in progress so that when further easing of government restrictions occurs, we can move back to a club racing program and a more regular range of club activity. A letter from Australian Sailing Victoria was received which outlined their representations to the Victorian Government seeking an easing of restrictions on sailing in particular not allowing of competition sailing, dinghy class sailing in single handed boats only (except where two in same family), and restrictions on keel boat crewing. These restrictions have been lifted or have been announced to be lifted in most other States. Australian Sailing has asked for members of sailing clubs to lobby their MP’s for changes in restrictions on sailing. A letter which can be used for this purpose is being loaded onto the ASC website

Continue to get active and enjoy the winter weather.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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