Thursday Snippets, 18 June

The forecast is for another wintry weekend in Melbourne, with some showers Saturday morning, and light to moderate winds across the weekend. On saturday 20th Albert Sailing Club will be open 10am – 4pm for recreational sailing. On Sunday 21st the Victorian Optimist Association (VIODA) commence their winter coaching program at ASC. Over 20 Optimists from Melbourne clubs, including ASC, will be involved in coaching each Sunday afternoon till mid September. Full details of the VIODA program on A reminder that everyone who comes to the club to sail or as a visitor needs to sign in on sheets in the club foyer and follow physical hygiene and cleaning protocols. Boat rigging is in two areas at northern and southern ends of club buildings, with a limit of 20 people per area. Club toilets will be open, but changerooms and clubrooms are again closed this week.

The good news is that on Sunday 14th June the Victorian Government announced some changes in COVID19 restrictions including some in relation to community sport which take effect from 22nd June. The club committee and the club sailing committee have been considering the updated regulations and await some further advice from Australian Sailing on some sailing specific aspects. It is proposed to commence ASC/APYC winter club racing on the Lake on Saturday 4th July with a number of Saturday afternoon stand alone trophy races and then a shortened winter series. There are current restrictions, including competition of up to 20, and double handed sailing only for people in same family or juniors under 18. Changerooms and clubrooms are allowed to be opened after 22nd June if the relevant regulations are being followed. There is more work to be done on all of this, and we will provide further details next week. And of course, there will be further changes in restrictions in coming weeks which will impact what is possible.

Rod Thomas
For ASC committee

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