Thursday Snippets, 25 June

Saturday 27th recreational sailing again at Albert Sailing Club with the club open 10am – 4pm.  There will be a club Working Bee from 9.45am of so with the focus on cleaning of windows, boatyard leaves and a general cleanup of clubrooms and boatyard. Following changes in government COVID19 regulations a maximum of 20 people are now allowed in our clubrooms and up to 10 at a time on the decking.  If coming to sail the recommendations is to come dressed for sailing and to leave in your sailing gear. The club changerooms can be used if really needed, but showers are not available for use.
On sunday 28th June pm and wednesday 1st, and thursday 2nd July am and pm ASC is hosting the Victorian Optimist Association  winter coaching program. Come down to the Lake on one of these days and have a coffee from the Boatshed Cafe and watch the fleets of juniors in action.

Everyone who comes to the club to sail or as a visitor needs to sign in on sheets in the club foyer and follow social distancing, hygiene and cleaning protocols. This includes disinfectant wiping of shared surfaces in foyer, clubrooms and boatyard. 

The ASC/APYC winter club racing program on the Lake commences on Saturday 4th July with a number of Saturday afternoon stand alone trophy races at 2pm on saturdays in July. This is for single handed dinghy classes and double handed sailing classes for people in same family or juniors under 18.
A number of club single handed boats will be available for monthly lease across July If interested email Rod or Don via

Keep following Snippets for changes in program due to changes in Government COVID19 regulations.

Rod Thomas for ASC committee

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