Thursday Snippets, 17 September

   This week ASC Drinks and Chat 4 to 5pm on saturday at Doug’s ASC Virtual Bar and a reminder for ASC members and contacts to enter the Albert Sailing Club Bathtub Boat building competition. Also sad news of the death of a long term member.

Join the ASC Drinks and Chat session on

   Time for members, and non member contacts currently not ASC members, to get on with an entry for the ASC Bathtub Boat building competition. Online entry has been extended to 23 September, with boats to be completed and photos submitted by 5 October. Build a sailboat 0.2 to 0.5 metres in length – any construction and any materials. The competition provides a practical project to be undertaken at home individually or as part of a family group over the next 3 weeks, which includes the school holidays, Simple rules and Entry details at The final extra requirement is for ‘ASC 2020’ or a favourite sail number to be displayed on one of the two sails.

   Sad news this week of the death on Thursday 10th September of Bill Avallone after a long illness. Bill was a long term member who was our club secretary for 7 years up to 2016. Some background on Bill’s involvement at ASC and funeral arrangements on Friday is below.

   In normal circumstances the club’s Winter Series would conclude on saturday 19th September with week 3 of the Bill Hooper Series. The Bill Hooper short race series is named after Albert Sailing Club’s first Commodore Bill Hooper, and has a perpetual shield trophy that dates back to the 1950’s. Bill and a small group formed the Albert Sailing Club in 1948 in the loft of the Hooper’s Jolly Roger Boatshed which until 1995 was located on the current site of the Australian Sailing Albert Park Boatshed . If you have a memory to share of Bill, the Hooper family or the Jolly Roger Sailing School leave a comment on this week’s Snippets post on Albert Sailing Club Facebook.

   This week Regional Victoria has skipped to stage 3 of the Victorian Government COVID19 roadmap, with sailing competition and training permitted within guidelines. At this stage non contact sports including sailing not possible in Melbourne until Melbourne Metro progresses to stage 3, notionally the end of October. We will continue to monitor and report on further government and Australian Sailing advices.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Bill Avallone
It is with great sadness that we advise of notice of the death of Bill Avallone, Bill was one of our long term members who retired from ASC membership in 2018. He passed away peacefully on Thursday 10th September after an extended period of poor health.

Bill was drawn to sailing and Albert Sailing Club in the late 1980’s when he purchased a Mirror which he sailed with his son Bill. When his son stopped sailing, Bill retired from sailing but continued as an active club member. Bill served on the ASC general committee for around 12 years, with seven years from 2010 to 2017 as secretary. In the 2000’s and 2010’s Bill and his wife Beni were at the club most Saturdays, with lunchtime for socialising After the lunch break Bill regularly assisted with Race Management usually in the Club Tower, sometimes on the water in a club RHIB. In this period Bill and Beni attended most club functions and were regularly involved in ASC Discover Sailing and Community Sailing Days. 
Bill is fondly remembered as a good story-teller, with stories about their Kiwani club activities, Bill’s Coast Guard radio operator updates, trips back to their native Malta and the roller coaster ride with the St Kilda football team. 

The Funeral Mass for Bill will be Webcast via Tobin Brothers website on Friday 18th September, 2020 at 2.00 p.m.    

Our condolences are with Beni and the Avallone family.   

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