Thursday Snippets, 3 December

On saturday 5th December Albert Sailing Club has a working bee from 9.30am and the third and final week of the annual Bill Hooper short course series from 2.30pm. There are plenty of jobs for the post Lockdown working bee including : cleaning of club boats, cleaning of clubroom windows and decking chairs, and removal of leaves and tidying in the boatyard. All members and any interested contacts are encouraged to come and help out. There will be a morning tea at around 11 including cafe style coffee.

Earlier in the week the Summer 2020/21 Mudpuddler newsletter of Albert Sailing Club was released online on the home screen of This is another bumper issue with reports on club activities over the extended miid year lockdown period, New Member news and information on Upcoming activities including training programs and the duty roster for the first quarter of 2021. A big thanks to Maddy Paul on production of her first issue as Mudpuddler editor.

Also thanks to our duty crew for the return to our club sailing program with  the Bill Hooper series – Cindy Tilbrook, Ron Lackington, Lesley Scott, Paul and Aaron Caddaye. Their efforts have allowed Albert Sailing Club to commence racing as early as possible when COVID restrictions were eased in November.

Saturday 12 December will be an End of Year Club Picnic Day. Members and visitors are encouraged to socialise over lunch in the clubrooms, on our decking or in front of the club with a BYO picnic. Have a sail or watch the sailing in the morning and/or afternoon, with a Life Members club race from 2.30. After sailing there will be a BBQ and drinks from the bar on the club decking.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee


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