Thursday Snippets, 10 December

On saturday 12th December we have our final club sailing day for 2020 with a full day of club activity. Clubroom open from 10.30. At lunchtime there is a BYO picnic on the foreshore in front of the club. In the afternoon Life Members trophy race at 2.30 and week 3 of 4 week junior and youth development programs. After sailing there will be a Christmas Breakup BBQ and drinks on the club decking and in the clubhouse with an invite to all members, their families and our club conatcts. Food from the BBQ, christmas cake and drinks from the club bar, supplemented by any foods you bring along for yourself.

To finish off the year on Friday 18th December there will be a late afternoon/twilight sailing session with an informal BBQ and drinks from around 6.30 on the club decking. As always check forecast a day or so in advance and the club website for any late update. 

The Summer junior school holiday program will be held Tuesday 19th to Thursday 21st January, a week later than advised in our Spring Mudpuddler newsletter. Details and registartion link are on


Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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