Thursday Snippets, 25th February

The conditions on the weekend are looking good for fair weather sailors. On saturday afternoon there is a club race at 2.30 and ASC/Boatshed junior development program from 2pm. The Learn to Sail group will be out in club Zests for a full day session on sunday. The club will be open from 10 to 4.30 or so both days, so come down to sail, to watch the sailing or socialise in the club, on the decking or the Lake foreshore.

On the March Labour Day long weekend 6 – 8 March no club activities. The following weekend club activities on both days as per the 27/28th February weekend.

On sunday 28 March we will have an ASC club picnic day for sailing and socialising for ASC members, their families and friends. More details in next couple of weeks. We will need some members to help out with supervising club boats and other activities on the day – speak with Tony Schalken from our ASC committee if you can assist.

On wednesday 24th there was a Volunteer Appreciation dinner at Sandringham Yacht club for around 200 people who provided volunteer support at the very successful Laser 2020 Australian and World Laser Championships at Sandringham in January and February 2020. Charles and Rita Bagossy and Rod and Mandy Thomas from ASC were among the guests. Photo of Rita and Charles with a couple of other members of Hampton Sailing Club with the Certificate of Appreciation for the significant support they and their club provided at the Regatta.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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