Thursday Snippets, 4 March

March Labour Day long weekend on weekend of 6 to 8 March. No organised club racing or training programs on Lake this weekend, but sure to be some down on saturday or sunday for a casual social sail. We have a number of members involved in State titles over the weekend. Fair winds and good sailing Faye in Sabres at McCrae, Nigel in Optis at RYCV, Williamstown, and Cindy who is Race Officer for the Taipan catamaran titles at Westernport.

Next club sailing days are on 13th and 14th March, with club racing from 2.30 on saturday 13th, and final day of the Summer Learn to Sail course all day on the sunday,

On Sunday the 28th of March, Albert Sailing Club will be hosting a social picnic and sailing day for new, temporary, existing and former members and their families.
Activities will include sailing, touring the lake, with club training boats and kayaks available for the invited groups. When not sailing, acquaint or re-aquaint yourself with the club and meet new members, on the deck or foreshore. An email mail-out will go out in the next couple of weeks with full details. Contact Tony Schalken (committee member), if you can assist or want information.

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