Thursday Snippets, 29 July

The club’s winter sailing season resumes in saturday 31st July, with club opnen from 10.30 and Winter Championship race from 2pm. As always visitors welcome.
Activites all day on Sunday 1st August. In the morning we are hosting the Victorian Laser Association’s 4 week program for sailors transitioning to Laser sailing. Details in June 10 Post on viclaser Facebook. From 1pm the weekly VIODA Optimist Coaching program resumes with 30+ Optimists registered. The club will be open all day for members who want to come down for a sail.
The Olympics coverage of on the dedicated sailing channel on 7+ has been great to watch and coninues each afternoon till 4 August. Daily updates on The Laser and Laser Radial final medal races will be shown on sunday afternoon. We expect to have it showing on the TV in our clubrooms, internet and TV willing, with capacity for up to 40 people.

COVID Restrictions Overview
The government has updated COVID restrictions from 28 July. Those changes with the biggest impact on ASC operations are :
* All Victorians now free to move within Victoria.
* public gatherings outdoors limited to groups of 10, with masks required indoors and outdoors except eating or drinking, phsysical exertion while exercising, or there is a permitted health related exemption.
* Community sport (which includes sailing) can resume for training and competition.
* Indoors facilities (including eateries) one person per 4 square metres with groups up to 10 people – for ASC up to 40 in upstairs clubrooms. Toilets open, changerooms expected to be allowed to open with a max. of 8 people M & W. Awaiting advice from Australian Sailing on changerooms.

Our full ASC COVID Safe guidelines have been updated and can be viewed on our club website Use of QR codes for each person entering clubrooms is important, with paper form in foyer where you have no smartphone. If sailing come dressed for sailing and minimise use of changerooms. Personal hygiene and wiping down of shared surfaces also important.

Keep warm, keep safe and see you down at Albert Sailing Club soon.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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