Thursday Snippets, 16 September

Three items this week 
* Another saturday afternoon Zoom catchup at 4.30 saturday 18th for ASC members and friends of ASC. Details at base of this Snippets.
* The Spring edition of our quarterly club Newsletter is now available on the home screen of our club website It provides a good overview of club activities in the winter months and upcoming when we can resume. There are also flag officer reports, and a number of articles of interest including one on boats sailed at ASC, and one on golden year for Lasers. Fprward a copy to friends or family who may be interested in sailing at Albert Park Lake.
* There is some good news on sailing on Albert Park Lake for people who live within 10 kilometres of the Lake, in particular for those with a boat stored at home.
We received advice from Australian Sailing Victoria on 15 September confirming that Sailing is allowed as a form of exercise.
Updated Governement restrictions for Melbourne from 18 September allow exercise up to 10 kilometres from home for 4 hours, with one other person or up to 5 from 2 households if they have had two COVID jabs.

If you have a boat stored away from Albert Sailing Club you can bring it down to sail on Albert Park Lake. All clubroom facilities remain closed, including the foyer, upstairs clubrooms, changerooms and toilets.

For those with a boat in the club’s ‘open air’ boatyard we are working to provide access on a very limited basis. Entry through the club foyer is not permitted.
We have a couple of club committee members living within 10k’s with a key who can directly access the boatyard.

For the weekend of 18/19 September, the boatyard will be open from 2pm to 3pm on saturday 18th. Entry for members and winter associates with a boat in the yard via the boatyard gates closest to the club foyer.

We will advise of times and arrangements for boatyard access, possibly once or twice per week, on the club website home screen, and in weekly Snippets. All who enter must comply with the ASC COVID Safe Plan, including QR code sign in, physical distancing and wearing of face masks.

Zoom login details for saturday 18th
Passcode: ASC
(Meeting ID: 846 1978 5781)

Rod Thomas

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