Thursday Snippets, 9 December

Saturday 11th December we have our final club race day for the year with ASC’s Life Members Trophy Race at 2.30. Club open from 10.30, with club training boats available for use by members. Then from 6pm catered Festive Season Dinner and festivities in our clubrooms.
Sunday 12th no club activities programmed. For anyone coming to the club, many roads in the area including around the Lake will be closed from 6am to 12 noon for the Melbourne Marathon as per

* Thursday 9 December is the final monthly committee meeting for 2021 at 7.30 in our ASC clubrooms.
* Friday 17 December Twilight Sailing and BBQ on club decking hosted by Commodore and Vice Comodore. Club open from 4pm and BBQ on club decking. All welcome for sailing and/or BBQ and chat.
* Wednesday 22 December Final casual Midweek Sailing for all or part of day.
includes Junior Sailing Day 9.30 to 4pm for Green Fleet and Intermediate level juniors in own Laser or club Zest or Laser. Details on

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Frank Bucek’s Retro Laser and Combi van combination at Laser State titles on 27/28 November

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