Thursday Snippets, 16 December

Friday 17th December we have Twilight Sailing with BBQ on decking at Albert Sailing Club with forecast finally for some of Melbourne’s best Summer weather with a maximum of 30 degrees and a light-light moderate southerly sea breeze. ASC members, families and friends are invited to join us for a sail (in own boat or a club boat) and/or a BBQ and refreshments. For catering let Cindy know of likely numbers via If you do not have a Parks Vic annual parking permit be aware of midweek parking restrictions and options as set out below*.

Wednesday 22nd December casual midweek sailing if weather is OK, am and pm till 4ish. For adults, youth and junior members, with Junior options as per link on

There will be Road closures in the Albert Park Reserve till 17 January for resurfacing of the Grand Prix track. Best entry is through Main Gates off Albert Road. Current advice is that there will be no vehicle access to Aquatic Drive and the roads from the gates to Aquatic Drive on Thursday 6 January and Tuesday 11 January. If we receive advice of further closures effecting access to Aquatic Drive we will place information on the Home Screen of

In some positive news the Aquatic Weed cutting harvester will be operating on the Lake until mid January. If out on the Lake give him a wide berth.

As for midweek car parking restrictions and fees
– Gravel areas next to club are for drop off only.
– Aquatic Drive behind club $5.50 per hour for maximum of 3 hours till 6pm, then $5.50 for up to 9pm .
– Albert Road service road 250 metres or so from club. Hourly parking with ticket until 6pm, then no fee after 6pm.

The Albert Sailing Club program resumes on saturday 8th January.
Thursday Snippets will take a break for a few weeks. Compliments of the season to everyone and see you in early 2022.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee


Good turnout and social evening at our ASC Christmas function 

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