Thursday Snippets, 14 July

The weekly Winter sailing season on Albert Park Lake returns on the weekend. Club sailing on saturday 16th, with club race at 2pm. The VIODA junior Optimist class winter training program Block 2 resumes on sunday afternoon and runs weekly till end of August.
The winter edition of our club’s Mudpuddler newsletter is now out online and is attached. A copy was in the email from the ASC Commodore of 8 July. This issue has reports and photos on the AGM and 2021/22 trophy winners, the recent club regatta, and the VIODA winter training program together with a listing of Upcoming Spring Season activities from early September and the Duty Roster till mid August.

The monthly general committee meeting is on tuesday 19th July with an online Zoom format. Members as always welcome to join and participate.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Mudpuddler_July 2022_Winter Edition

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