Snippets, 21 December

NEWS that long time club member Ed Farrell died peacefully on saturday 14 December at 86 years of age after a proplonged period of poor health,
Ed joined Albert Sailing Club in the early 1980’s He and his wife Jean sailed their Mirror dinghy ” Sea Witch” weekly, and often on both weekend days till the early 1990’s. They shared many good sailing days at Albert Park Lake and other Victorian clubs with other Albert Mirror sailing families including the Thomas, Schoene, Scott, Matthews, Chapman and Wright families. Also Mick Ralph and plenty of other long term ASC members who sailed Mirors in the 1980’s.
Ed moved on to sail an Impulse class boat “Switch” at Albert most weeks t in club races and our winter Mudpuddler Regatta before retiring from sailing in the early 2010’s.
Ed was a very active member of the club. He was made a Life Member for his services to the club over an extended period. He was Commodore from 1992 to 1994 and our Principal Training Instructor for a good number of years. Ed encouraged and assisted many people in their sailing, particularly in the ‘Red Rash” Mirror class whcih was by far the dominant dinghy sailing class at Albert Park Lake and Victoria in the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s.
We pass on our condolences and best wishes to Ed’s wife Jean and his family. We have no further details on any arrangements, but will add any as a Comment in our Snippets Facebook post.

Rod Thomas
for the past, current and future Mirror sailors at Albert Sailing Club

Photo : Ed sailing his Impulse Switch on Albert Park Lake
(Still searching for a photo of Ed and Jean in their Mirror. Post to Facebook if you find one).

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