Club sailing day on saturday 18th with club open from 10am. Summer Series race at 2,30 with sign on and Information Session at Albert Sailing Club. Club training boats available for member use. Club Galley returns for 2023.
On sunday Week 2 of the club’s Summer Learn to Sail course from 9.30 to 4pm.
A good weekend to come sailing with a favourable forecast after two windy weekends.
Another club sailing day on saturday 25th February, with another short informal morning race and/or casual sail. Rig your own boat or a club training boat from 10am with Information Session in front of clubhouse at 10.30ish and informal race and sail at 11am. Club RS Zests and a couple of Pacers and plastic Ozi Optis will be available for use by members who need a boat. ASC/APYC Summer Handicap club race at 2.30.
Tuesday 21st February monthly club committee meeting in our clubrooms from 7pm. All members welcome.
Rod Thomas
Photo : Week 1 of Summer Learn to Sail course. On shore instruction before venture out on a windy Albert Park Lake.
Thursday Snippets, 16 February
Thursday Snippets, 9 February
Saturday 11 February Top of the Bay Regatta at 2pm at Port Melbourne Yacht Club for clubs at top end of Port Phillip. No programmed sailing at Albert Sailing Club, but there are expected to be some members at our club at least for the morning from 10amish
For the Top of the Bay Regatta boats can be rigged and launched at Port Melbourne YC or Williamstown SC. Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions and entry form on PMYC club website. Regatta entries and enquiries from ASC members can be sent to Paul Farrell at or enter on the day by 12.30pm. There will be an Albert Park Lake clubs team entry if we can reach 10 boats. Spectators welcome to watch racing from Port Melbourne foreshore or the PMYC clubhouse at end of Bay Road.
Sunday 12 February our Summer Learn to Sail program commences. We welcome the new members booked in for the course, with day one 9.30 to 4.30 on sunday.
Club Sailing Days including afternoon club races programmed on three successive saturdays from 11th February
Victorian championships for Sabre class at Mordialloc Sailing Club on 18th and 10th February. As at 9 February 40 entries, with more to come.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 2 February
Saturday 4th February, club handicap series race at 2.30, with club open from 10am. Given the Melbourne forecast for strong winds, at least in the morning, the short informal morning race scheduled for 11am has been postponed to saturday 25th February. A decision will be made on morning of 4 February on availability of club Quest and Zests for sailing by club members. Club galley open at lunchtime with salad rolls, cakes and drinks. Also note that parking in Aquatic Drive behind the club may be tight at various times during the day as there is a schools athletics event all day at Lakeside Stadium. If there is no available parking spaces in Aquatic Drive and you have an annual parking permit then park in the gravel area next to club. If you don’t have an annual pass, ask in clubrooms whether someone parked in Aquatic Drive can move and free up a space for you.
* Saturday 11 February Top of the Bay Regatta at 2pm at Port Melbourne Yacht Club for clubs at top end of Port Phillip including Albert Park Lake clubs. Notice of Race on club website, with ASC Regatta enquiries to Paul via No programmed sailing at Albert Sailing Club on 11 February. See next week’s Snippets as to any arrangements for part day sailing at ASC.
*Sunday 12 February ASC Summer Learn to Sail program commences. Three successive sundays in February and a saturday morning first weekend of March. Further details on Learn to Sail tab of Bookings with Membership application if required by 5 February.
* 18/19 February Victoria’s Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta – Victoria’s biggest and best fun regatta for wooden sailing dinghy class boats. A number of ASC boats have participated most year. Details on
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 26 January
The next sailing day at Albert Sailing Club is on saturday 4th February. There is another short informal morning race and/or casual sail. Rig your own boat or a club training boat from 10am with Information Session in front of clubhouse at 10.30ish with informal race and sail at 11am. Club RS Zests and a couple of Pacers and plastic Ozi Optis will be available for use by members who need a boat. Also crewing spots available on club RS Quest boat am and pm. ASC/APYC Summer Handicap club race at 2.30.
The SEDA educational group programs 9 to 3pm weekdays from 30 January in ASC club rooms. ASC members welcome to use club facilities taking into account SEDA students and staff onsite.
* Saturday 11 February Top of the Bay Regatta at 2pm at Port Melbourne Yacht Club for clubs at top end of Port Phillip including Albert Park Lake clubs. Notice of Race on club website, with ASC Regatta enquiries to Paul via
No programmed sailing at Albert Sailing Club on 11 February.
*Sunday 12 February ASC Summer Learn to Sail program commences. Three successive sundays in February and a saturday morning first weekend of March. Further details on Learn to Sail tab of Bookings with Membership application if required by 5 February.
* 18/19 February Victoria’s Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta – Victoria’s biggest and best fun regatta for wooden sailing dinghy class boats. A number of ASC boats have participated each year. Details on
Rod Thomas
Photo : ASC youth at another successful Junior School Holiday program at Albert Sailing Club on tuesday 24th.
Thursday Snippets, 5 January
Our weekly sailing program at Albert Sailing Club commences on Saturday 7 January. Club open from 10am, with two week Commodore Series of short course races starting at 2.30. Monthly day where Club RS Zest and Pacer boats are available for use by members – am or pm, subject to approval on the day.
Otherwise in January club sailing on 14 and 21 January. No programmed activity on 28 January which follows on from Australia Day.
For those down at the club on a saturday in January the Club galley will not be operating in January
Also Upcoming
Tuesday 24th January ASC School holiday sailing day. Supervised junior coaching and sailing 9.30 to 4pm for junior members at Green Fleet or Intermediate level – Further information and Booking link on
Other members can come down to sociliaise and/or sail. Some club training boats likely to be available dependant on bookings for junior program.
* ASC Summer Learn to Sail program of three sundays and a saturday morning commences on sunday 12 February. Details and booking link on the Learn to Sail tab of
* Top of Bay Regatta on 11 February at a club on northern end of Port Phillip. Details will be provided on when received from the host club.
Good sailing in January be it at Albert Park Lake or another venue in Victoria or interstate, This includes members sailing in Australian championships and regattas, such as Hamish Gilsenan who is sailing in ILCA6 Laser championships in Sydney till 8 January.
The next Snippets will be in late January.
Rod Thomas
Photo : ASC’s Paul Farrell sailing at Australian Impulse championships at Lake Macquarie over the Christmas – New Year period.
The black flag on the Start Boat is in memory of APYC Impulse class stalwart Mike Howell who recently passed away and is fondly remembered.
Thursday Snippets, 15 December
Our saturday club sailing program for 2022 has finished, and resumes on saturday 7th January. The club’s 2023 Sailing Calendar has been loaded onto the Home Screen of our club website
On tuesday 20th December there is casual midweek sailing 1pm into twilight from Albert Sailing Club, with BOM forecast for a pleasant summer weather day. Sail your own boat or for club members a club RS Zest, Pacer, Ozi Opti or kayak in sessions 1pm to 4pm or 4pm to 6.30pm. From 6.30 to 7.30 drinks and casual meal on club decking, either a BBQ or pizzas, with signup on the day. A short December club committee meeting follows from 7.45. If driving down be aware of midweek parking restrictions. No limits behind club if you have an annual Park parking pass. Otherwise $5.50 hourly fee with 3 hour limit behind club, Better metered options in Albert Road, with some 2 hour no fee options towards South Melbourne.
Our ASC Summer Learn to Sail program of three sundays and a saturday morning commences on sunday 12 February. Details and booking link are on the Learn to Sail tabe of
This will be the final Snippets for 2022.
Wishing all ASC members, Snippets and Facebook followers and their families a safe holiday season and a happy new year.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 8 December
Our 2022 program at Albert Sailing Club wraps up in the next couple of weeks.
* Saturday 10th December we have our final club sailing day for the year, with our Life Members trophy race at 2.30, and end of year Festive Season and New Members Welcome function from late afternoon into the evening, with a good number of bookings for our end of year function .
* Also on the 10th there will be an end of year Update meet for members chaired by the Commodore in the clubrooms from 12 noon. Members whether sailing or not are encouraged to come down. Sit down with your lunch. No formal agenda. To cover items such as : ASC future strategy, status of possible unification discussions, Parks Victoria and lake management, club training and mentoring.
Club sail boats available for sailing by members in the afternoon.
Looking further ahead
* On Tuesday 20th December the club will be open from 12 noon ish for afternoon and twilight sailing till 7pmish, with club training boats available for member use. December club committee meeting in clubrooms that evening.
* The Club Sailing program resumes with two week short course Commodore’s Series on saturday 7th January.
* Our ASC Summer Learn to Sail program of three sundays and a saturday morning commences on sunday 12 February. Details and booking link are on the Learn to Sail tabe of
Finally, well done to Hamish Gilsenan, who sails under the ASC burgee, and finished second overall in a fleet of 31 boats in the Victorian ILCA Laser Radial championships at Mordialloc Sailing Club last weekend. Hamish sailed against sailors youth to 65 years+ He finished runner up to Casey Imeneo Victoria’s top single handed female sailor who is in the Australian ILCA Laser Radial team which races and trains overseas.
Rod Thomas
Photo : Views of Albert Park Lake from the Albert Sailing Club decking in summer.
Thursday Snippets, 1 December
With the arrival of summer we have two busy days first two saturdays of December at Albert Sailing Club
* On saturday 3rd there is another short informal morning race. Rig your own boat or a club training boat from 10am with Information Session in front of clubhouse at 10.30ish for informal race and sail at 11am. Club RS Zests and a Pacer or two will be available for use by members who need a boat. ASC/APYC Summer championship club race at 2.30. The weather forecast two days out looks good for a day of enjoyable sailing on Albert Park Lake.
* Saturday 10th December we have an end of year Members Update meet at 12 noon, followed by Life Mambers trophy race at 2.30, and our end of year Festive Season and New Members Welcome function from late afternoon into the evening. All members whether sailing or not are encouraged to come down for the Members update session which will cover items such as : Unification discussions, ASC future strategy, training and mentoring. The Xmas function includes a subsidised catered meal, and bookings are required by the end of saturday 3rd. Numbers for it are looking good, with room for more to come and enjoy an end of year get together in our clubrooms.
* In the preceding week. On friday 9th December the Victorian She Sails group will have an informal end of year function with BBQ at ASC clubrooms from 6pm. If there are any ASC women interested in attanding or assisting contact Cindy Tilbrook who is coordinating for ASC.
The Australian Society of Marine Artists have their annual exhibition of Marine and Maritime Art at Victorian Artist Society rooms in Albert Street East Melbourne from 2nd to 13th December. With free entry, well worth a visit for those intrested in nautical art.
Looking further ahead
* On Tuesday 20th December the club will be open from the middle of the day for afternoon and twilight sailing, with club training boats available for member use
* After a short break the Club Sailing program resumes with 2 week short course Commodore’s Series on saturday 7th January.
Rod Thomas
Photo : Learn to Sail group with club Zests
Thursday Snippets, 24 November
Plenty of activity at Albert Sailing Club next few weekends.
* Saturday 26th the Learn to Sail group have their last course session 9.30 to 12.30. Lunchtime Sausage Sizzle on the club decking for the new members and other members.
All club Zest in use till 12 noon. Club’s RS Quest boat out sailing am and pm.
The Spring Handicap series club race is at 2.30. There will be an option for new members to stay on to observe how saturday afternoon club racing works.
* On Sunday 27th the club will be open 10am to 12 noon for social sailing, for members to sail their own boat or a club training boat. Also mention you can visit the Boatshed Cafe next door to ASC, for coffee and food and listen to the pleasant musical trio who play late morning/early afternoon each sunday.
Again keep an eye on the weather forecasts. Any late changes to program will be posted on the club website.
Saturday 3 December Another short informal race at 11am and ASC/APYC Championship series race at 2pm.
Saturday 10 December Join us for our club’s end-of-year Festive Season and Welcome to New Members Celebration Dinner after sailing. Early online registration required to enable organising of the fully catered meal. Go to the link on
Tuesday 29th November and 6 December Final two sessions Melbourne Girls Grammar School program. Need a member to assist wtih rigging and launching of Zest boats 4 to 6 pm on these afternoons. Contact Rod via training@albertsc if you can help out.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 23 February
Plenty scheduled at Albert Sailing Club on the 25/26 weekend and saturday 4th March over and above the regular club sailing days.
On saturday 25th February, there is another short informal morning race and/or casual sail. Rig your own boat or a club training boat from 10am with Information Session in front of clubhouse at 10.30ish and informal race or sail at 11am. Club RS Zests and a couple of Pacers and plastic Ozi Optis available for use by members.
Sunday 26th Week 3 of 4 week Learn to Sail program in club Zests from 9.30. Others welcome to sail, but club boats not available for use.
Midweek the temperature and wind forecasts for saturday 25th vary between TV stations on the timing for a cool change, so keep an eye out for forecasts and actual conditions.
There is Victorian junior athletics championships on the 24/35 February weekend which may effect parking in Aquatic Drive. If driving in check with someone in ASC clubrooms if no spare car parking seems to be available.
“Antarctica: Between Two Continents”.in our clubrooms after sailing on Saturday, 4th May, 4.45 or 5pm depending on club race finishing time. Cindy Tilbrook will do a presentation based on her recent partial-circumnavigation of Antarctica. Her month-long trip took her between South America and New Zealand following the coast of the continent aboard the second-most powerful icebreaker in the world. Anyone with an interest in Antarctica travel generally, the amazing vessel on which she travelled, or Cindy’s trip in particular, is welcome to attend.
At lunchtime on Saturday 4th there will be a BBQ from around 12.30 on the club decking following the conclusion of the Summer Learn to Sail course that morning. Course participants and other club members welcome to share the BBQ and enjoy the social catchup
On the Labour Day long weekend in mid March no programmed sailing at Albert Sailing Club. there is Pacer and 125 State championships at Mordialloc Sailing Club, Marley Point Overnight Race for trailable yachts on Gippsland Lakes and others out sailing casually or an event elsewhere
Rod Thomas
Photo of some of the boats sailing at the Inverloch Wooden Classics Regatta on 18th and 19th February.