On saturday 12th it is a club sailing day with options all day.
* The club opens by 10am. There will be a short informal race at 11. Fully or partially rig by 1030 with an Information Session at 1030 in front of the club. Main target group is people who have miminal experience racing or have not raced for some time. Sail you own Sabre or other class of boat. Alternatively a club Zest 1up or 2up, with allocations by the Commodore at 10.15ish.
* Club Handicap Race from 2.30pm.
* The club’s RS Quest will be sailed by an experienced sailing member with spots for 2 or 3 people to crew am or pm. If interested in crewing on the Quest prefereably email Jack via membership@albertsc.org.au or see him or Steve Dunn at the Quest on the day.
On 4 November four of Australia’s top sailors were inducted into the Australian Sailing Hall of Fame.
* Congratulations to Tom King on his induction into the Hall of Fame. Tom started sailing as a young junior at Albert Sailing Club in 1984 and continued to sail at ASC as he progressed to state, national and world Miror champion in 1991. He then moved on to sail a 470 class boat at the 1996 Olympics with Owen McMahon, another ASC junior Mirror and Sabre graduate, and with Mark Turnbull from Mordialloc to win gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. A short video on the induction of Tom and Mark is at https://www.facebook.com/AustSail/videos/681101063446001
* Also congratulations to Mark. Matt Belcher and Jessica Watson who were also inducted.
Saturday 10 December Join us for our club’s end-of-year Festive Season and Welcome to New Members Celebration Dinner after sailing. Get together with club and family members and their guests to enjoy a great spit roast dinner (vegetarian options available), and an end of year catchup. Registration is essential and done via link on https://albertsailingclub.wildapricot.org/
Rod Thomas
Photo : Tom King and Mark Turnbull after winning gold at Sydney 2000 Olympics
Thursday Snippets, 17 November
Club sailing day on saturday 19th with the club open by 10am, and ASC/APYC Spring Championship Race at 2.30. On sunday the third day of the Spring Learn to Sail program in club Zest boats from 9.30 to 4.30. Keep an eye on the weather and the forecasts with some stronger winds and showers coming in the next few days.
Saturday 26th the Learn to Sail group have their last course session 9.30 to 12.30. From 12.30 Cindy will have a Sausage Sizzle on the club decking for the new members and other members who are down, with family members welcome. The handicap series club race is then at 2.30. There will be an option for new members to stay on to observe and have commentary on how saturday afternoon club racing works, with spots on the club’s Start/Finish boat possible if the weather is kind.
Saturday 10 December Join us for our club’s end-of-year Festive Season and Welcome to New Members Celebration Dinner after sailing. We ask for early online registration to enable organising for the fully catered meal. Go to the link on https://albertsailingclub.wildapricot.org/
Friday 18 November 2022 there is a Junior Boys Rowing Regatta all day on Albert Park Lake. If down sailing the areas available for sailing are the basin North of Gunn Island and the area between Gunn Island and the Golf course.
Rod Thomas
This week the Lake is again at or above its maximum level and the Aquatic Weed Harvesting vessel is in operation.