Thursday Snippets, 17 November

Club sailing day on saturday 19th with the club open by 10am, and ASC/APYC Spring Championship Race at 2.30. On sunday the third day of the Spring Learn to Sail program in club Zest boats from 9.30 to 4.30. Keep an eye on the weather and the forecasts with some stronger winds and showers coming in the next few days.

Saturday 26th the Learn to Sail group have their last course session 9.30 to 12.30. From 12.30 Cindy will have a Sausage Sizzle on the club decking for the new members and other members who are down, with family members welcome. The handicap series club race is then at 2.30. There will be an option for new members to stay on to observe and have commentary on how saturday afternoon club racing works, with  spots on the club’s Start/Finish boat possible if the weather is kind.

Saturday 10 December Join us for our club’s end-of-year Festive Season and Welcome to New Members Celebration Dinner after sailing. We ask for early online registration to enable organising for the fully catered meal. Go to the link on

Friday 18 November 2022 there is a Junior Boys Rowing Regatta all day on Albert Park Lake. If down sailing the areas available for sailing are the basin North of Gunn Island and the area between Gunn Island and the Golf course.

Rod Thomas

This week the Lake is again at or above its maximum level and the Aquatic Weed Harvesting vessel is in operation.

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Thursday Snippets, 10 November

On saturday 12th it is a club sailing day with options all day.
* The club opens by 10am. There will be a short informal race at 11. Fully or partially rig by 1030 with an Information Session at 1030 in front of the club. Main target group is people who have miminal experience racing or have not raced for some time. Sail you own Sabre or other class of boat. Alternatively a club Zest 1up or 2up, with allocations by the Commodore at 10.15ish.
* Club Handicap Race from 2.30pm.
* The club’s RS Quest will be sailed by an experienced sailing member with spots for 2 or 3 people to crew am or pm. If interested in crewing on the Quest prefereably email Jack via or see him or Steve Dunn at the Quest on the day.

On 4 November four of Australia’s top sailors were inducted into the Australian Sailing Hall of Fame.
* Congratulations to Tom King on his induction into the Hall of Fame. Tom started sailing as a young junior at Albert Sailing Club in 1984 and continued to sail at ASC as he progressed to state, national and world Miror champion in 1991. He then moved on to sail a 470 class boat at the 1996 Olympics with Owen McMahon, another ASC junior Mirror and Sabre graduate, and with Mark Turnbull from Mordialloc to win gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.  A short video on the induction of Tom and Mark is at 
* Also congratulations to Mark. Matt Belcher and Jessica Watson who were also inducted.  

Saturday 10 December Join us for our club’s end-of-year Festive Season and Welcome to New Members Celebration Dinner after sailing. Get together with club and family members and their guests to enjoy a great spit roast dinner (vegetarian options available), and an end of year catchup. Registration is essential and done via link on

Rod Thomas

Photo : Tom King and Mark Turnbull after winning gold at Sydney 2000 Olympics


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Thursday Snippets, 3 November

At long last a warm and mostly sunny weekend in prospect. Get your sailing gear out and come sailing at Albert Park Lake this weekend.
* Club sailing day on saturday 5th November, with club open at 10am and ASC/APYC Summer Series club race at 2.30. ASC is host club with Steve Dunne our illustrious Race Officer.
* On sunday 9.30 to 4.30 is Week 1 of the ASC November Learn to Sail course. The course is fully booked with 16 adult and youth participants to learn to sail, mainly in our club RS Zest boats. The Most of them are new members, and so we wish them well and a big welcome to our club. The course continues the following two sundays and the last saturday in November.
* The Trivia Night scheduled for saturday 5th will not proceed, but may be rescheduled in the New Year.
* The Melbourne Girls Grammar school program at ASC in Zest resumes at 4pm on tuesday 8th and continues for the following three thursday afternoons.
* Also the State Liberals will make a multi-million dollar funding pledge this coming support community sport infrastructure in the Park and the lake wall if they win Government 10am, Saturday 5 November. Club members who can make it to the announcement it will be by the local Liberal Party candidiate and David Davis shadow treasurer, at 10am for 20 to 30 minutes at Pit Building 6, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park Reserve. We have a couple of ASC committee members going along and would welcome a few more club members.

Rod Thomas

The ASC Commodore and a couple of ASC juniors and their dads had a great Melbourne Cup long weekend at the Victorian Laser Association Inland Waters Regatta at Lake Eppalock near Bendigo. 48 Lasers sailed in the two day regatta and 24 stayed on for the following two days training camp. Also good to see a fleet of 20 or so junior Optimist sailors sail in a hastily convened event for them after the cancellation of Sail Country at Albury- Wodonga due to blue-green algae in Lake Hume

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Thursday Snippets, 27 October

     The next club sailing day is on saturday 5th November, with club race at 2.30pm and club open from 10am.
     The ASC Trivia Night follows sailing on 5th. People need to register by Tuesday 1 November  so that catering and prizes can be organised.  Register by sending an email to Cindy via indicating how many adults/children will be attending  Further Trivia Night details can be found on our club website
     On the Melbourne Cup Day weekend the TS Hartley Association is having their annual presentation and BBQ on club decking 11 to 3pm, with ASC clubrooms available to members with a club key.
A number of our members are sailing in Regattas in Regional Victoria, including 3 sailing Lasers at Lake Eppalock near Bendigo and Ron in his Aero at Stawell.
     On 2 Sunday 23rd we had a successful Discover Sailing Day with a good attendance by people looking to try dinghy sailing with us on Albert Park Lake. A big thankyou  to the members who assisted to make it such a good day.
     On the soggy morning of saturday 22nd October ASC was represented by 3 members at the Greens announcement by Victorian Lower House candidate for Albert Park, Kim Samiotis, that the Victorian Greens have pledged $5 million dollars in support of restoring and maintaining re-building the western section of the lake wall which has crubled in places abd is lower than the restored eastern Lake wall. The Albert Park Sports Club graoup has made representations to the other local candidates to match this pledge and funding for other essential works of benefit to clubs in the park.
The November Learn to Sail course for adults and youth with a participating adult starts on Sunday 6th, with  only two or three spots left as at 25/10. Details on 

Rod Thomas

Media Release – Victorian Greens pledge

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Thursday Snippets, 20 October

A busy weekend at Albert Sailing Club on 22/23 October weekend.
     Club sailing day on saturday with club race at 2.30pm. Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 23rd across 10am to 3pm. Details and pre-registration link on our club website, with paper registrations possible on the day. This is a good opportunity for people from 5 to 70 years+ to check out our club facilities and have a sail on Albert Park Lake with a club member.
    Also on the saturday morning Secondary Schools Team Racing from 9am.If you can make it down to the club by 10am a small group of us will be walking or sailing over to the Carousel Car Park area for a State election pledge announcement by Kim Samiotis the Greens candidate for Albert Park. She is announcing a pledge to seek the expenditure of $5m on a rebuild of the crumbling western section of the lake wall, and other expenditure on Albert Park Reserve upgrades.
* Each tuesday afternoon 4 to 6pm we have a group of Melbourne Girls Grammar School students undertaking a Learn to Sail program with Boatshed Instructors using our club’s RS Zest boats. We need a member or two to assist each week. If you could assist for say 1 or 2 sessions in October or November contact Don or Rod via

* The club’s Spring Learn to Sail program across November commences on Sunday 6th November. The course is primarily for new club members with a heavily discounted $50 per person fee. Details with the booking and new member links have been activated this week via the Learn to Sail tab of If interested booking early as the limit of 16 is expected to be reached in the coming week.
* Saturday 5th November ASC’s annual Trivia Night
BYO main course dinner followed by Trivia from 7pm.
Members and visitors are welcome to take on the Trivia challenge. It is time to register with details and Registration via the link on the club website.
* Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th November Montalto Westernport Masters Regatta for Masters age sailors of dinghy class boats. Details on the Westernport Yacht Club website.

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 13 October

The next two saturday club sailing days are on the 15th and 22nd October with club open from 10 am and start for afternoon Summer Series races at 2.30. On the 15th there is a schools Athletics event at Lakeside stadium which may make parking in Aquatic Drive tight, and require more effort than normal to find parking.

Sunday 23rd October we have Albert Sailing Club’s Discover Sailing Public Open Day from 10am – 3pm.
Invite friends and extended family who may have an interest in dinghy sailing to come down and check out our facilities and have a sail (or a kayak ?) with or under the supervision of an experienced club member. Also a good opportunity for ASC members who have not sailed for a while and club juniors to come down and sail a club boat. Juniors should arrive 10 – 10.30 for allocation of a club boat.
Details and Pre-Registration for the Discover Sailing Day via link on Members please volunteer to assist in an on water or shore based role for a half day or full day. Do so via the link on club website orby contacting Graeme Blunt or Bettina Azzopardi from the club’s committee.

Saturday 5th November there is ASC’s annual Trivia Night with BYO main course dinner followed by Trivia from 7pm. Members, and their families and friends are inviting to come along to mix with others and take on the Trivia challenge. Details are in the flyer in the Spring Mudpuddler Newsletter with Registration via the link on the club website.

Keep safe if you are in an area impacted by heavy rains on Wednesday and Thursday. As at 8am no reports of impacts on Albert Park Lake, and our club webcam shows no water lying on wooden decks at lakes edge in front of club. 

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 8 October

Saturday 8th October the club is open from 9.30am, with regular Summer Series club race from 2.30pm. For those interested in a morning sail, rig between 10 and 10.30, for a briefing in front of club at 10.30 and an 11am start for an informal short race or Lake sail. Club training boats available for member use with approval by a committee member at the club that morning., including the club’s Quest and Zest boats. Albert Park Yacht Club have a 2022/23 Sail Past at 2pm, with briefing for the Sailpast and the afternoon race in front of the APYC clubrooms at 1.30.

The ASC Mudpuddler Newsletter Spring edition was posted to members this week, with an online copy placed on the Home screen of It is another newsy Mudpuddler, which includes flyers and details of Upcoming events and activities. Thanks to our editor Maddy and to the contributors of articles and photos. Share a copy with family and friends who may be interested in sailing with us on Albert Park Lake.

On sunday 9th no programmed ASC activity. For anyone coming to the club on sunday you can drive in and park behind the club, but there will be some road restrictions in and around the Albert Park Reserve for the annual Round the Bay cycling event.

Sunday 23rd October Discover Sailing Public Open Day at Albert Sailing Club 10am – 3pm. Invite friends and extended family family who may have an interest in dinghy sailing to come down and check out our facilities and have a sail with or under the supervision of an experienced club member. Pre-Registration via link on  Members please volunteer to assist for a half day or full day through via the link on club website or a nominated club committee member.
Saturday 5th November. ASC Trivia Night at 7pm, with semi-catered meal from 6pm. Place in your diary, with more details in Mudpuddler Newsleter.
15th/16th October Sail Sandy Regatta at Sandringham Yacht Club. Traditionally the largest multi class club regatta for off the beach classes on Port Phillip
29th/30th October Cup Day ‘long weekend’. Sail Country at Albury Wodonga Yacht Club and Inland Championships Regatta for Laser and some other classes at Bendigo Yacht Club.

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 29 September

This Snippets covers the commencement of our weekly club “Summer Series” and Upcoming Events including our Discover Sailing Public Open Day on Sunday 23rd October.

The Summer Series commences on Saturday 1st October with the Club open from 10am, club race from 2pm, and after sailing Drinks at our club.
There has been a minor update to the Notice of Race for club races which has been published on the Club Race Documents tab of our website and will be covered at the 1.15 Information Session.Albert Park Yacht Club has  invited ASC members and visitors to join then for  Drinks on their balcony after packup with an option to stay on for pizzas. 
Daylight saving commences early sunday morning, with clocks to be advanced by an hour.  Also on Sunday 2nd October all roads in Albert Park Reserve are closed till 12 noon for the Melbourne Marathon event. If driving to use club on sunday morning you can park in Albert Road and walk through on the path  at the end of Moray Street.
Sunday 23rd October Discover Sailing Public Open Day at Albert Sailing Club 10am – 3pm. Invite family, friends and people you know who have an interest in dinghy sailing to come down and check out our facilities and have a sail with or under the supervision of an experienced member. Pre-Registration via link on Attachment #1 provides a basic flyer which can be forwarded to others. We need club members to volunteer to assist for half day or full day on 23rd on or off the water. Attachment#2 provides details, with Volunteers Registration through nominated club committee members or via the link on club website available from early coming week.

Saturday 5th November.  ASC Trivia Night at 7pm, with semi-catered meal from 6pm. Place in your diary, with more details out soon.

15th/16th October  Sail Sandy Regatta at Sandringham Yacht Club. Traditionally the largest multi class club regatta for off the beach classes on Port Phillip

29th/30th October Cup Day ‘long weekend’. Sail Country at Albury Wodonga Yacht Club and Inland Championships Regatta for Laser and some other classes at Bendigo Yacht Club.



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Thursday Snippets, 15 September

Saturday 17th September is the 3rd and final week of the annual Bill Hooper series. Club open from 10am, with Information Session at Albert Sailing Club at 1.30  for short races from 2pm. Albert Park Yacht CLub has a traditional welcome to country and smoking ceremony in front of their club at 11.30 to celebrate the 150 years people of Melbourne have occupied and enjoyed the land and waters of Albert Park. Albert Sailing Club members and anyone else in the area late saturday morning has been invited to attend.

Tuesday 20th September is a school holiday sailing day with adults and family members welcome to sail during the day. There is a juniors training program 9.30 to 4pm for ASC youth with sailing experience. Club committee meeting in our clubrooms from 7pm that night.

It was a big weekend at Albert Park on the 10th and 11th September weekend. At Albert Sailing Club we had a well attended and productive working bee on the saturday, and we were pleased to hosted the Optimist Association Girls and Mum’s weekend. This was the final weekend of a very successful VIODA Winter/early Spring program at ASC. (Good photo of the VIODA girls enclosed).
There was also a well attended and successful two day City Sail Women’s and Girls Coaching Regatta on the Lake across the weekend .

Over the extended long weekend the club takes a break over and resumes with the Spring Sailing program on saturdays from 1st October.
There are two Learn to Sail programs in Spring. The October program commences on sunday 9th October, with expression of interest registrations needed by Friday 23rd September. Registrations als oopen for November program.

See you at the Lake soon.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee


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Thursday Snippets, 8 September

On saturday 9th we have our half yearly working bee from 9am till lunchtime. Looking forward to a good turnout of members to help out. Tasks include : powerboats and windows to wash, club training boats to check and clean up, boatyard to tidy, old furniture/masts and trolleys to dispose of.
On the 9th and 10th weekend there is City Sail Women’s and Girls Regatta on Albert Park Lake from APYC, so no club racing this wekend
Saturday 16th September Week 3 of 3 week Bill Hooper short race series from 2pm.
Tuesday 20th September Midweek School holiday sail. A training day for ASC juniors and youth who have completed at least basic sail training with enrolment link on from lunchtime Friday 9th. Other members welcome to come down during the day for a sail or kayak and use the club

Saturday 1st October weekly Spring Sailing Season commences

Learn to Sail programs from 9th October and 6th  November.   Details under Learn to Sail tab on

Send any late contibutions for Spring Mudpuddler newsletter to

Rod Thomas
for ASC committeee

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