A busy weekend at Albert Sailing Club on the 20/21 May weekend.
* Saturday 20 May Club Sailing Day. In morning sailing including 10.30 information session for informal 11am short race with club training boats available for members who need a boat, and winter series race at 2pm.
Sunday 21 May Week 1 of the 4 week Victorian Optimist class Block 1 winter training program at ASC. Sessions run 1 – 4pm three of next four sundays, with 40 juniors in Green Fleet, Intermediate and Open level groups. Come down and have a look or check it out on our club webcam. VIODA website for full details. ASC member enquiries to Rod.
The ASC Annual ‘Top of the Lake” Regatta will be held on Saturday and Sunday June 24 and 25. Notice of Race and Registration link will be available from our club website by this sunday 21st.
ASC Regatta: Call for volunteers
As in previous years, the success of the regatta will depend on the willing pool of volunteers who assist in the conduct of the regatta. If you are available to help over this weekend, either on-water or off-water, please email admin@albertsc.org.au or Cindy on cindytilbrook@hotmail.com and let her know which day/days you are available, and preferred activity.
Regatta Sponsorship
If you own a small business, or know any business owner who might like to consider sponsoring our regatta, (either with a direct monetary contribution or in kind), then please also let Cindy know preliminary details as soon as possible. Promotion of the business is provided in exchange for the sponsorship by way of name/logo on regatta documents, banner flags flying at
the regatta, the opportunity to speak to participants etc.
Sunday 28 May Wooden Boats Association Reflections on Mirror Dinghy Sailing Day on Albert Park Lake. ASC current and past Mirror sailors welcome. Details on https://www.facebook.com/MirrorsVic/
Rod Thomas
for ASC committee
Photo : Graeme Blunt was awarded Club Member of the Year by outgoing Commodore at the club’s AGM on 13 May. Thanks to all of our volunteers who keep our club operating throughout the year.
Thursday Snippets, 18 May
Thursday Snippets, 11 May
Saturday 13th May has a number of activities for Albert Sailing Club members and visitors,
* week 2 of our Winter Season with club open from 10am and Winter Series club race from 2pm.
* there is a sailing session for newer club members in Pacers at Williamstown from 9.15am being lead by the Commodore, As at wednesday there are a couple of spots available for any member interested. Details and booking link on https://albertsailingclub.wildapricot.org/
* Albert Sailing Club Annual General Meeting in our clubrooms at 5pm after sailing, preceded by presentation of perpetual trophies for 2022 – 2023 10 minutes before. All members encouraged to attend, with AGM documents under The Club tab of www.albertsc.org.au. There may be an informal meal afterwards depending upon indications of numbers to Cindy by lunchtime on thursday.
Saturday 20 May Club Sailing Day Informal 11am short race with club training boats available for members, and winter series race at 2pm.
Sunday 21 May Victorian Optimist class four week winter Block 1 training program commences at ASC. Around 40 boats from Victorian clubs registered. Program details on VIODA website. ASC member enquiries to Rod.
Sunday 28 May Wooden Boats Association Reflections on Mirror Dinghy Sailing Day on Albert Park Lake. ASC current and past Mirror sailors welcome. Details on https://www.facebook.com/MirrorsVic/
Enjoy the improving Autumn weather.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 4 May
Albert Sailing Club’s Winter sailing season commences on saturday 6 May, with full calendar and season details on club website. Club open from 10am with club race from 2pm. The forecast suggests come prepared for winter sailing and/or socialising.
Saturday 13th May Albert Sailing Club Annual General Meeting at 5pm after sailing.
The Notice of Meeting was in an email from Albert Sailing Club to members on 18 April.
Meeting Documents can be found on the Albert Sailing Club website under the first menu item The Club / Annual General Meeting. Staement of Accounts, Committee and Treasurer reports to be loaded by 5 May.
Club members are encouraged to consider standing for a committee position or volunteer for non committee role. Completed committee nomination forms need to be either emailed to secretary@albertsc.org.au by 5pm on 5 May or left with Commodore or in club Tower in hard copy by 5pm on saturday 6 May.
There will be presentation of annual perpetual trophies in ten minutes prior to AGM and an informal dinner after the meeting. Please notify the secretary (secretary@albertsc.org.au) by 10 May if you plan to stay on for the dinner.
Sunday 21 May Victorian Optimist class four week winter Block 1 training program commences at ASC. Registrations required by 7 May Details on VIODA website. ASC member enquiries to Rod.
Keep warm
Rod Thomas
Photo : ASC’s Jaemie and Hamish Wilson finished second overall and first family in Victorian Mirror Championships last weekend.
Well done Jaemie and Hamish and the other 11 skipper/crew combinations from Williamstown SC.
Thursday Snippets, 27 April
On Saturday 29th April there is the club’s bi-annual working bee from 9.30am and club race from 2pm. Come down in the morning and help ‘spruce’ the clubrooms, boatyard and surrounds up before the winter season.
Also on 29th we have a group of new members undertaking a training session in Pacers at RYCV, Williamstown, and on 29th and 30th Jaemie and Hamish Wilson sailing in Mirror class State titles at Williamstown Sailing Club and Hamish Gilsenan the Queensland Laser class championships at Humpybong Yacht Club !
Saturday 6th May Commencement of ASC winter sailing season. Details and online form for Winter Associates from other clubs on www.albertsc.org.au
Saturday 13th May Albert Sailing Club Annual General Meeting at 5pm after sailing.
Sunday 21 May Commencement of Victorian Optimist class four week winter Block 1 training program at ASC. Registrations required by 7 May Details on VIODA website.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 20 April
Saturday 22nd April club sailing day with club open from 10am, and club race at 2pm. Finally some Autumn weather forecast. Also the water level is much improved following recent rains allowing centreboards down for our regular classes. There is a junior athletics event on the weekend. If parking in Aquatic drive is full members with current annual parking permit can park on gravel areas next to club.There is likely to be some reserved spots for those without a permit. If unsure check inside on arrival.
The Club’s Autumn Mudpuddler Newsletter was released this week. A copy to read and share can be found on Home screen of www.albertsc.org.au.
Saturday 29th April club working bee from 9.30am and club race from 2pm. Members encouraged to come down and ‘spruce’ the clubrooms and surrounds up before the winter season.
Saturday 6th May Commencement of ASC winter sailing season. Details and online form for Winter Associates from other clubs on www.albertsc.org.au
Sunday 21 May Commencement of Victorian Optimist class 4 week winter Block 1 training program at ASC. Details on VIODA website.
29th and 30th April Williamstown SC end of Season Regatta including Mirror Class State Championships https://www.facebook.com/MirrorsVic/
6th and 7th May Sail Bellarine at Indented Head including Laser Class Victorian Masters championships.
Thursday Snippets, 13 April
Back to sailing on Albert Park Lake after the break for the Grand Prix and Easter. The 2022/23 Club Handicap Series concludes on saturday 15 April with club open from 10am, and club race at 2pm.
Club training boats available for use by members on 15th, subject to suitable weather on the day. Check the forecast on Friday evening.
Rain over the last couple of weeks has lead to a nice increase in water level with more predicted on the weekend.
The club’s Autumn Newsletter will be ‘enveloped’ saturday morning, with copies ready for pickup by those down at the club and the rest mailed out to members during the week.
ASC April committee meeting on tuesday 18th at 7.30. This is the last committee meeting before the AGM on saturday 13th May.
20 – 23 April The annual Victorian Youth Sail Regatta and Coaching Clinic at Sorrento Sailing Club. There are 2 ASC juniors members and 3 winter members sailing in a fleet of over 100 boats from Victoria and all other Australian States except Western Australia. Twenty-five young sailors from across the nation in Australian Sailing’s inaugural 2023 Youth Squad will meet to train and compete together for the first time at this event. Albert Sailing Club has representation with current ASC junior Hamish Gilsenan in ILCA6 (Laser Radial) and recent ASC junior Philip Cripsey in IQFoil members of the squad. Congratulations to Hamish and Philip on being se selected in this national squad.

Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 25 March
There will be a club sailing day on Saturday 25th March before a two week break for the F1 Grand Prix and Easter. The format for the afternoon race(s) will be determined by the Race Officer on Saturday morning and will either be a scheduled Series race or alternative format race(s) depending on the Lake water level and the weather conditions. The clubrooms will be open from 10am.
There was a burst of rain on Thursday morning which created some inflows into Albert Park Lake after weeks of dry weather. This raised the Lake water level but as at Thursday afternoon it was still a little lower than the level of two weeks earlier. The wind forecast for 10 to 15 knot southerlies on Port Philip is encouraging. Some more rain or showers before saturday morning would be useful.
Access to the Lake Reserve and the Sailing Club on the weekend is only through the
Steel gates on Albert Road. All access is stopped on Monday 27th March for one week.
Also on the weekend we have some members sailing in events on Port Phillip.
Geoff Saliba is sailing in the Sabre class Teams Race at Mordialloc S.C. on Saturday.
Across the weekend at Royal Brighton Yacht Club Ron Fergusson is sailing the Aero class state championships and Hamish Gilsenan in the ILCA Laser event as part of RBYC’s George Mac Regatta.
You may have heard of body found in Albert Park Lake on morning of sunday 19th March.
The body was found in the Lake area in front of the Boatshed Albert Park Yacht Club and the cancelled sailing activity referred was from the Boatshed.. Media reports suggested it was a man’s body recovered and there were no indications of suspicious circumstances.
Snippets will take a break and be back the week after Easter.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 16 March
On saturday 18 March the club will be open from 10am.
Due to the low water level in the Lake the club training boats will not be available for use on saturday. Sailing committee representatives from Albert Sailing Club and Albert Park Yacht Club will check the water level and weather conditions and make a decision late morning on whether the programmed afternoon Handicap Series race will proceed or not.
There will be an informal update meet in our ASC clubrooms at 1245 on the state of the Lake and possible options and activities for coming weeks.
* Many of the roads in Albert Park Reserve are closed till mid April. Exception is entry via Steel Gates off Albert Road into Albert Road Drive and Aquatic Drive behind Albert Sailing Club. Any significant updates on www.albertsc.org.au
21 March Monthly committee meeting in our clubrooms at 7pm. Members welcome to attend and participate.
25 March Deadline for articles, photos and items interest for next Mucpuddler Newsletter. Send to mudpuddler@albertsc.org.au with cc to commodore@albertsc.org.au
Monday 27 March to Monday 3 April Albert Park Reserve closed to public for F1 Grand Prix. No access to ASC clubrooms or boatyard.
Friday 7 April to Monday 10 April Easter. No activities programmed for Albert Sailing Club.
Keep following Thursday Snippets for updates.
Rod Thomas
Photo : New members with club Zests at final Summer Learn to Sail Session
Thursday Snippets, 2 March
A big day of activities at Albert Sailing Club on saturday 4th March.
From 9.30am to 12 noon we will have our new members out sailing the club’s Zests in the final Summer Learn to Sail session. Club Championship series race in afternoon from 2.30.
* At lunchtime there will be a BBQ from around 12.30 on the club decking following the conclusion of the Summer Learn to Sail course. Course participants, their families and other club members invited to share the BBQ and enjoy the social catchup
* Late afternoon after sailing informal presentation on “Antarctica: Between Two Continents” by Cindy Tilbrook in our clubrooms after sailing 4.45 or 5pm depending on club race finishing time. Based on Cindy’s recent partial-circumnavigation of Antarctica. Her month-long trip took her between South America and New Zealand following the coast of the Antarctic continent aboard the second-most powerful icebreaker in the world. Anyone with an interest in Antarctica travel generally, the amazing vessel on which she travelled, or Cindy’s trip in particular, is welcome to attend.
* There is Victorian State athletics championships on the 4/5 March weekend which may effect parking in Aquatic Drive, particularly from late morning. If driving in check with someone in ASC clubrooms if no spare car parking seems to be available.
On the Labour Day long weekend in mid March no programmed sailing at Albert Sailing Club. Next Snippets will be the following week.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 25 May
The winter sailing season continues with club race at 2pm on saturday 27th, and club open from 10. Week 2 of the Victorian Optimist class’s winter coaching program on sunday from 1 to 4pm. 38 junior Optimist sailors from 8 Victorian clubs are sailing in the Block 1 program in Open, Intermediate and Green Fleet groups . Come down and check it out from the Lake foreshore or on the Albert Sailing Club webcam.
The ASC Annual ‘Top of the Lake” Regatta is on Saturday and Sunday June 24 and 25. Notice of Race and Registration link is now on our club website www.albertsc.org.au. Volunteers to assist on one or both days are being sought. If you are available to help over this weekend, either on-water or off-water, please email admin@albertsc.org.au or Cindy on cindytilbrook@hotmail.com and let her know which day/days you are available, and preferred activity.
Wintersail junior and youth Coaching Regatta is being sailed from Albert Park Yacht Club on the last 3 days of the mid year school holidays 7 – 9 July. Details and bookings on https://www.apyc.org.au/wintersail.html. ASC members can get further information and discuss boat options with Rod down at our club or via training@albertsc.org.au
VIODA Optimist Winter Coaching four week Block 2 at Albert Sailing Club from sunday 16 July. Details and bookings on https://www.vioda.org.au/home/
Rod Thomas
for Rear Commodore
Albert Sailing Club
Photo : Optimist program @ ASC on 21 May