Thursday Snippets, 2 June

Winter has well and truly arrived in Melbourne. On the 4/5 June weekend we have club sailing day on saturday with club race at 2pm, and VIODA Optimist winter training from 1pm on sunday.
Slickers, westsuit and beanies weather !
There is a break from club sailing and VIODA training on the Queen’s Birthday weekend 11th to 13th June. Mid Winters Regatta at Sorrento for Laser and Optimist sailors.

Albert Sailing Club’s ‘ Top of the Bay’ regatta is on saturday 25 June (pm) and sunday 26 June (am and pm). Entries accepted for one or both days, with Details and Registration link on
If you are not going to sail we need people for on-water or off-water assistance If available let our Regatta Race Officer Cindy know ( with indication of whether available on Saturday, Sunday or both.

To see CURRENT CONDITIONS ON THE LAKE, view our webcam on any time day or night.

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets 25 May 2022

Commodore Rod Thomas is away for a few days so I’m bringing you this week’s Snippets.

Sailing Matters

We again have a busy weekend at Albert Sailing Club.  Club racing (Winter Handicap 2) will take place with a start at 2 p.m. and first warning signal at 1.57 p.m.  At this stage, the weather is looking like a partly cloudy day with light showers.  Temperature at sailing time around 15-16 degrees  and with 5-10 knot north-westerlies.  But don’t be put off by predicted light winds, as ASC and APYCV enjoyed an excellent afternoon’s racing last Saturday even though the lake was like a mirror up until around 12 p.m.   We had a fleet of close to 40 boats with a steady light breeze.

A great photo of some of the fleet during last week’s sailing (provided by APYC).

The BBQ will be operating after sailing this coming Saturday with our usual fare of sausages, meat patties, chicken skewers and hash browns — and perhaps even a few dim sims thrown in for good measure.

VIODA training for juniors will be happening on Sunday so the lake will be busy again.

Regatta – join the roster and help out!

Parks Vic is hoping that the weed cut will have taken place by our scheduled regatta date (June 25 and 26), so it’s all steam ahead for our (hopefully) first regatta in 3 years.  We want every sailor out on the lake participating, but we also need a host of people to help out over the course of the weekend, either with on-water or off-water assistance.  If you are available to assist, please let me know via email ( as soon as possible, or catch up with me at the club.  In your email, please let me know whether you are available on the Saturday, Sunday or both.

Responsible Service of Alcohol

Just a reminder to all of our previous holders of their RSA certificates that they need to be updated on a regular basis.  Please check your certificate and if it is out of date, do the update course online and then let us know that you have renewed.

We always need people with their certificates to assist with bar duties from time to time, so all club members are encouraged to obtain their certificates.  There are a number of online courses available (just search on RSA certificate Victoria) with a cost of around $50, or the City of Port Phillip has arranged for a Responsible Service of Alcohol Course open to clubs to select appropriate member/s to attend.  Details are as follows:

  • Wednesday June 22,  Peanut Farm Reserve Pavilion (St Kilda area), Registration 6:15pm – RSA Course 6:30pm – 10.00pm

ASC is entitled to send a number of participants to this course for a cost of $25 (met by ASC).  If you are interested, please email me (email above) or speak to me at the club and I’ll let you have all the relevant details.

That’s it from me for this week,




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Thursday Snippets, 19 May

On saturday 21st May we have our annual Virgo Ladies skippers and crew race in the morning and a winter series club race at 2pm.

The invite for the Ladies race is for female sailors from Albert Sailing Club, Albert Park Yacht Club and other clubs to sail ASC’s RS Zest boats. Meet upstairs in our ASC clubrooms at 10am for Morning Tea and Information Session. Then rig boats for 11am start for a short course format race of up to 45 minutes. Entries taken for an individual skipper or crew role for all ages and all levels of experience. Register to sail via the link on

On the afternoon of sunday 22nd it is Week 2 of the VIODA Optimist class winter training program. It was great to see 40 juniors out in Optimists for last week’s session and a similar number is expected this week.

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 12 May

Big weekend on 14/15 May with club activities both days.
     On Saturday 14th there is the second winter series club race at 2pm. After sailing there is the club’s annual general meeting at 5pm in our clubrooms, preceded by a short presentation of annual perpetual trophies. All club members encouraged to attend. The agenda, nominations for the 2022/23 club committee and annual financial and committee reports are on the Annual General Meeting section of The Club tab on Email the secretary on if you plan to stay on for the informal pizza meal afterwards.
    On Sunday 15th May there is a plannin workshop session in the clubrooms from 10am – 12 noon for ASC family members to discuss their future needs and inputs for future club plans.
The Victorian Optimist Class VIODA winter training program at ASC commences, with sessions 1 – 4pm each sunday across the next two school terms. Details are on the VIODA Facebook.
Virgo Race for female skippers and crews in club Zest boats on saturday 21 May 10am for short course race 11am start. For all levels of experience Register for this event via the link on

Rod Thomas
for ASC Committee


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Thursday Snippets, 5 May

Our Albert Sailing Club winter season commences on saturday 7th May with club race at 2pm. Get the winter sailing gear out with forecast for wintry Melbourne weather. For visitors, further details and registration for winter season via links on Given the forecast the Virgo Ladies Skipper and Crew race in club Zests scheduled for the morning has been postponed to 21 May.
  Big weekend on 14/15 May.
– On Saturday 14th winter series club race at 2pm. After sailing there is the club’s annual general meeting at 5pm, preceded by presentation of annual perpetual trophies, and followed by an informal meal. The agenda and reports for the AGM are on the AGM section of The Club tab on Nominations for committee required and to be sent to by 6pm Friday 6th or at club by 5pm on saturday. Also let secretary know if staying for the informal dinner.
– On Sunday 15th May  the Victorian Optimist Class VIODA winter training program at ASC commences, with sessions 1 – 4pm each sunday in school terms.  Details on VIODA Facebook. Enrolments required by Sunday 8th Options for ASC juniors including boat hire, contact Rod via

The club’s Autumn Mudpuddler issued in April has been loaded onto the Home page of our club website It is another bumper issue. Hamish Gilsenan who skippered ASC Quest to win the Stonehaven Cup has returned to sailing his Laser Radial with some good performances including first in Laser Radial division of Sail Bellarine last weekend.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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Thursday Snippets, 28 April

Saturday 30th April the main club activity is the Working Bee from 9am. Arrive when you can, dressed in older clothes (with a wet weather coat ?). There are club building, boatyard, sailing and power boat tasks to be undertaken. A trophy race is scheduled for 2pm, after completion of the annual Masters Rowing Regatta in the southern and western basins of the Lake.
Saturday 7th May
– Club winter season commences with races at 2pm each saturday. Details on including Registration link for visitors from other clubs.
– Virgo Ladies Skippers and Crew race 10am for 11am start in club Zest boats.
Saturday 14th May
– ASC Annual General Meeting at 5pm following winter series club race. Nominations for committee required by 5pm on 7 May.
Sunday 15th May
– Victorian Optimist Class VIODA winter training program commences with sessions 1 – 4pm each sunday in school terms. Details on VIODA Facebook. Options for ASC juniors ; contact Rod via

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Thursday Snippets, 21 February

Return to club sailing on Albert Park Lake after Grand Prix/Easter break with  Summer Season day on saturday 23rd and school holiday session on thursday 21st and. On saturday we have the final “Summer Series” club race at 2pm, Club open from 10.30, with club training boats available for hire by club members. The afternoon sailing on thursday 21st includes a School Holiday session for green and intermediate level juniors in own boat or club boat from 1.30 to 4.30, with details and registration on Adult members solo or with others, and visitors from other clubs welcome to sail casually. The April Club committee meeting follows on thursday evening from 7pm.
A number of members sailed in Regattas or ‘socially for pleasure’ over Easter. Ron Fergusson sailed his Aero 9 to win the 19 boat Division 5 category at the Lake Boga Easter Regatta. Well done Ron.
Saturday 30th April – Club working bee in the morning, with scratch race or social sailing in the afternoon.
Saturday 7th May – Club winter season commences with races at 2pm. Details on with Registration link for winter associate membership up next week.
Saturday 14th May – ASC Annual General Meeting at 5pm following winter series club race.
Sunday 15th May – Victorian Optimist Class VIODA winter training program commences with sessions 1 – 4pm each sunday in school terms. Details on VIODA Facebook.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Ron sailing his Aero 7 at 2019 Aero Australian championships

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Thursday Snippets, 31 March

The final club sailing day on saturday 2nd March before a two week break for the Formula 1 Grand Prix and Easter. Club race at 2.30, with club open from 10am. Club training boats available for member hire and use.
      The Albert Park Reserve will be closed for the Grand Prix from Monday 4th to Monday 11th April, with no vehicular access and only event ticket holders permitted.
The park is due to re-open on Monday 11th or Tuesday 12th with access through the steel gates off Albert Road, and plenty of Grand Prix infrastructure being dismantled.
Thursday Snippets is taking a break for a couple of weeks. and will resume in the week before our next club saturday sailing day on 23rd March.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Poster from Melbourne F1 Grand Prix in 1996, with sail boats on the Lake.

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Thursday Snippets, 24 March

Club sailing days on both Saturday 26th March, and Sunday 27th. On saturday Summer Series club races at 2.30 with club open from 10am. On 27th we have our March sunday social sailing day from 10 till 2.30ish. There is special invites to sail from 10.30 for ASC juniors, female ASC members and their friends and Mirror class sailors. All members, their families and friends welcome. Both days bring your own boat or for members option to sail a club training boat.

Saturday 2nd April Women’s Skippers Regatta at Port Melbourne Yacht Club Short races from 1pm in 2 or 3 person boats with female skipper. Notice of Race and Entry link

1st – 3rd April Victorian Schools Teams Racing Championships at Mornington Yacht Club.

15 – 18 April various Easter Regattas including at Lake Boga (northern Victoria) and Lake Bullen Merri, Camperdown (western Victoria). Also Victorian Youth Championships at RYCV

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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Thursday Snippets, 17 March

Our next club sailing days are on Saturday 19th and 26th March, and Sunday 27th. Club races at 2.30 on the 19th and 26th, with club open from 10am. On 27th we have our March sunday social sailing day from 10 till 2.30 or so. There is a special invites to sail for juniors, female and Mirror class sailors, with experienced members of each planning to attend. All members, their families and friends welcome. Bring your own boat or sail a club training boat.

There is a final call for items for the Autumn edition of ASC’s Mudpuddler Newsletter. Send articles, reports on regattas, photos, etc. to Rod via by Monday 21st March.

Steve Dunn has edited and loaded onto the Albert Sailing Club You Tube channel a video clip of the Start of the APYC/ASC Ladies Bracelet Race sailed as part of the 150th Opening Day celebrations for sailing on the Lake on 26th February. Check out this and other clips of sailing at ASC on

The dry start to 2022 in inner Melbourne continues. We need some more rains to improve the water depth of Albert Park Lake.

Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club


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