Thursday Snippets, 25 August

Predictions of warmest days since Autumn both days on the 27/28 August weekend with maximums of 19. ! On saturday there is short course racing from 2pm in Week 1 of the annual 3 week Bill Hooper Series. The series is named after the founding Commodore of Albert Sailing Club. Plan is for two or three short races depending on the prevailing conditions. On sunday it is the eleventh and final week of the VIODA Optimist class winter training program 1 to 4pm.

Spring Mudpuddler Newsletter Articles, photos and items of interest to club members are needed by the end of the month.
In the Spring 2021 MudpuddlerTony Schalken had a suggestion for members to provide an item (light, fun and/or witty) on an aspect of their sailing experience past,current or future up to around 200 words. He provided one on his relationship with his Sabre “The Meaning of Life”.
Send your content by end of August to our editor Maddie via

Sat. 10th / Sun. 11th September City Sail Women’s & Girls Coaching Regatta on Albert Park Lake.
On 10th September we have an ASC Working Bee. No club racing that day.

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 18 August

On Sunday 21 August we have two sailing class association visits to Albert Sailing Club. The Victorian Laser Association has a Laser 4.7 Sailing Transition Sailing Day with VLA Laser 4.7 boats available for sailing by juniors sailing other classes of boat and an Information marquee. One hour booking slots for sailing a Laser 4.7 across the day (no cost) and information on Laser sailing on Victorian Laser Association Facebook post of 9 August. The second last week of the VIODA Optimist class winter training program is on on sunday afternoon from 1pm.
Last winter series club race on Lake on saturday at 2pm, with APYC lead club.

The annual Bill Hooper series is being sailed on saturdays 27th August, 3rd and 20th August, with short races starting at 2pm each week.

Sat. 10th / Sun. 11th September City Sail Women’s & Girls Coaching Regatta on Albert Park Lake. To date four ASC female skippers entered and ten plus VIODA Optimist girls. Regatta details on APYC website. with entries to close soon. ASC members with queries on the event, including boat hire, can contact ASC commodore.
ASC also has a Working Bee on the morning of the 10th.

Articles, photos and items of interest to club members are being sought for our Spring Mudpuddler Newsletter. Send content by end of August to our editor Maddie via

In late July Albert Park Yacht Club  had their 150th Celebration Formal Dinner at the club. Rod and Mandy Thomas attended and enjoyed the dinner and the festivities. A highlight was a unique performance of Swan Lake on Albert Park Lake and the adjoining decking. Check out the performance on

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 11 August

Club sailing day on saturday 13th, with club race at 2pm. Club training boats available for use by members. Another VIODA winter training session sunday afternoon from 1pm.
Tuesday August 16th club general committee meeting on Zoom from 7.30.

Sunday 21 August Victorian Laser Association Laser 4.7 Sailing Transition Sailing Day at Albert Sailing Club. VLA boats available to be booked (no cost) and information on Laser sailing. Details on Victorian Laser Association Facebook post of 9 August.
Sat. 10th / Sun. 11th September City Sail Women’s & Girls Regatta. Details on APYC website.
ASC members with queries on these upcoming events can contact ASC commodore.

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 4 August

On saturday 6th August we have a club sailing day with Winter Handicap race at 2pm. Sailing at club on sunday for those with their own boat, with some restrictions. The clubrooms will be used in the morning for a KISS (Keelboat Introduction to Sailing Savvy) session. In the afternoon another VIODA Optimist winter training session. Also sunday morning access to Albert Park Reserve north, including access to Aquatic Drive behind club, is closed for an XCR’22 Lakeside 10 Running Event. If coming down in the morning park or tram ride to Albert Road and short walk through the park in the vicinity of intersection with Moray Street. Suggest check the weather forecast late week if looking to sail on the weekend.

On 10 and 11 September Albert Park Yacht Club’s CitySail Regatta for Women and Girls with coaching and short course racing both days. Coaching is by ability – advanced, intermediate and beginners. If a crewed boat the skipper must be female but can have a male crew, ASC’s Zest and International Optimists available for Hire for any ASC members who need a boat – speak to Rod or email me via

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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Thursday Snippets, 28 July

Sailing at Albert Sailing Club both days on 30/31st July weekend. Club sailing saturday with club race at 2pm, and another VIODA training session from 1pm on sunday. Midweek weather forecast for weekend generally looks more promising with sunny and max of 14 both days. Light to moderate winds saturday and likely stronger on sunday.

The World ILCA6 (Laser Radial) championships in Houston, Texas are underway, with ASC’s Hamish Gilsenan in the under 17’s fleet in a total fleet of 212 boats from 35 countries. After 4 races at the end of Day Two the six Australian youth were placed in the middle third of the fleet.
A report from Hamish’s dad Jon Rawlings who is there supporting Hamish was that the racing was very close, with except for a few locals, every sailor in the event at or near the top of their respective national youth Laser fleet,
The ILCA 6 Worlds consists of a 12 race series, with 2 back to back races each day. Further progress reports will be posted on the Victorian Laser Association Facebook

A post on the Mordialloc Sailing Club website on 26 July announces MSC July/August Winter Series Cancelled. Due to major works on the creek wall by Parks Victoria, MSC cannot launch safety or course boats.  They are hopeful of running the Sail Mordi Regatta on the 27th & 28th of August 

Photo : Hamish at first mark of Race 1 ILCA6 Youth Worlds.

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 21 July

Another full weekend with midweek weather forecasts looking promising for both days. Club sailing on saturday including race at 2pm, and VIODA Optimist winter training program on sunday afternoon. Cindy will have the club BBQ operating on our new upstairs decking after sailing on saturday.
Hamish Gilsenan from Albert Sailing Club and Patrick Cummin from Davey’s Bay Yacht Club are sailing in the Youth Worlds for the ILCA 6 (Laser Radial ) in Houston Texas from saturday 23rd July. They are two of five from Australia sailing in a fleet of 212 from 35 countries. Good sailing Hamish and the other Aussie youth Laser sailors.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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Thursday Snippets, 14 July

The weekly Winter sailing season on Albert Park Lake returns on the weekend. Club sailing on saturday 16th, with club race at 2pm. The VIODA junior Optimist class winter training program Block 2 resumes on sunday afternoon and runs weekly till end of August.
The winter edition of our club’s Mudpuddler newsletter is now out online and is attached. A copy was in the email from the ASC Commodore of 8 July. This issue has reports and photos on the AGM and 2021/22 trophy winners, the recent club regatta, and the VIODA winter training program together with a listing of Upcoming Spring Season activities from early September and the Duty Roster till mid August.

The monthly general committee meeting is on tuesday 19th July with an online Zoom format. Members as always welcome to join and participate.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Mudpuddler_July 2022_Winter Edition

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Thursday Snippets, 30 June

Following our successful Top of the Lake Regatta we return to our club winter season sailing on saturday 2nd July. Winter Series handicap race at 2pm, and club open from 10.30am. Information Session at APYC at 1300, commencing with presentation of trophies for ASC/APYC series for 2021/22.
On sunday 3rd our club Commodore and Vice Commodore will be attending Australian Sailing’s annual club conference for Victorian clubs at Albert Park Yacht Club. Across the weekend there will also be a Victorian Teams Race event from the Boatshed which use our ASC Start/Finish boat and be outside the course of the club race.

Friday 8th – Sunday 10th July Albert Park Yacht Club hosts Wintersail Coaching Regatta for junior classes on Albert Park Lake. Details on The entry list on website as at 25 June shows mainly Minnow class entrants. Any ASC junior members requiring advice or assistance can speak to Rod or email him via No ASC or APYC club racing that weekend.

Saturday 16th July ASC/APYC Winter Season club race

From Sunday 17th July VIODA junior Optimist class Block 2 Winter training program at Albert Sailing Club following on from the successful block 1 program. Details and booking link on

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Photo : The Sabre class had the largest representation at ASC’s Top of the Lake Regatta.

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Thursday Snippets, 23 June

Albert Sailing Club’s “Top of the Lake Regatta” saturday 25th June (pm) and suncay 26th (am,pm).
Race documents and online Entry link on
Online entries for one or both days sought by 11pm on Wednesday 22nd June. Late entries online with $10 late entry fee for visitors Thursday or Friday or at Registration desk at club 11 to 12noon on saturday.
Number of entries by class as at 12 noon on Wednesday 22nd are below. More entries expected from Albert Park Lake clubs and visitors before 12.30 Information Session on Saturday.
BOM forecast is for moderate north – north westerlies across the weekend which should produce some good sailing.
Regatta Entries by class at 9pm on 22 June
Impulse (9), Aero (3), Laser (4), Sabres (8), Solo (1), RS Zest (1), Optimist (8), Minnow (1)

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Thursday Snippets, 16 June

Sailing at Albert Sailing Club both days on the last two weekends of June. On saturday 18th it is another winter season club race at 2pm, On sunday the last session of the VIODA junior Optimist clasis’s Block 1 winter program from 1pm.

Albert Sailing Club’s ‘ Top of the Bay’ regatta is on saturday 25th June (12.30 Information Session for 1.15 start pm) and sunday 26 June (am and pm). Short course racing for adult and junior dinghy classes. Entries online from members of Albert Park Lake clubs and from other clubs for one or both days by 11pm Wednesday 22nd, Details and Entry link on

ASC general committee meeting via Zoom on tuesday 21st July. Items or photos for Mudpuddler newsletter to by close of Wednesday 22nd July.

Saturday 2nd July Winter Season club race

Friday 8th – Sunday 10th July Albert Park Yacht Club hosts Wintersail Coaching Regatta for junior classes on Albert Park Lake. Any ASC junior members requiring advice or assistance can email Rod via

From Sunday 17th July VIODA Optimist class Block 2 Winter training program. Details and booking link on

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

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