Start your sailing in 2024 with the ASC-APYC Commodore Short Series Sailing Days on the first three saturdays in January. Sail one, two or all three saturdays.
The BOM forecast 3 days out for 6 January looking promising for some summer conditions, finally !
* For the Commodore Series two or three short races of 30 to 45 minutes from 2.30 each saturday, including a Green Fleet division for less experienced people. Club galley not operating at lunchtime in January, but will be an alternative of a BBQ from club BBQ on decking on saturday 6th.
* On 6th January there is an Informal Race and/or non-competitive casual sailing at 11am. Arrive between 9.30 and 9.45 to rig or partially rig a boat prior to an Information session at 10.10 in ASC clubrooms. For ASC members without a boat or wanting to try another class ASC club training boats available for hire and use in morning and/or afternoon short races on 6th. Stay on for drinks from Doug’s Bar later in the day.
* ASC Summer Learn to Sail program is scheduled to commence on sunday 11th February. Details on Learn to Sail tab of with expressions of interest required at the latest by 20th January.
The Christmas period into the New Year has seen lots of dinghy class championships in the southern states. More to come in January with Tasar Worlds and Aero Nationals in Melbourne and Laser Worlds and junior Optimist Nationals in Adelaide. These are some of the largest dinghy class events in Australia this year with 60 entries in the Aero Nationals and over 100 in each of the others.
The 2023/24Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, particularly for the 100 foot Maxis was a classic. There was the close port-starboard coming together near the Sydney Harbour heads. The leader Scallywag broke her bowsprit in Bass Strait and needed to retire. And the race up the Derwent with Law Connect coming from 2 kilometres behind to catch Andoo Comanche 3 kilometres or so from the finish, then engage in a gybing duel to the finish. The duel to the finish reminded us of some of the dinghy class races we have in light airs on Albert Park Lake. Highlights packages on You Tube show the action up close and the final 51 second win by Law Connect.
Happy New Year
Rod Thomas
Rear Commodore
for ASC Committee and Members
Thursday Snippets, 3 January
Thursday Snippets, 7 December
Saturday 9th December is the final club sailing day for 2023, with the club open from 10am and two for the price of one race at 2.30 – the combined clubs Summer Handicap Series 5 and the Life Members Trophy Race. Presentation of ‘ trophies’ for the Winter Season and Bill Hooper Series in September will be at the Information Session at APYC at 1.45.
Following sailing on the 9th we look forward to the catered Festive Season/Christmas function in our ASC clubrooms from 6pm. Doug’s Bar open for drinks a little earlier.
The forecast for the 9th is similar to that for the first saturday of the month with the Melbourne Metro forecast for winds southerly 15 to 25 km/h (a little stronger forecast for Port Phillip) and 95% chance of rain (hopefully, mainly in the morning as for last week ?)
The final club social sailing event for the year. is Twilight Social Sailing and BBQ on Wednesday 13 December. The clubhouse will be open from 4pm, with sailing from 5pm-7pm.
Sign on for sailing and BBQ on list at top of stairs in clubrooms on the day. Hire of a club training boat for club members, subject to approval and weather conditions on the day. Join the social group whether sailing or not on the balcony for a BBQ dinner ($10) and/or social drink from Doug’s Bar. Any change in arrangements, such as cancellation due to weather, will be notified on the home page of ASC website by 7pm on the preceding day (12th).
A reminder on Parking in Albert Park Reserve
If you are parked in the Reserve near the club and have an annual Parking Permit no cost for parking any day of the week. ASC stamped forms for permit application are available at the club or download from ‘car parking in Albert Park’ and provide proof of your current membership from your membership sign in on the Albert Sailing Club Wild Apricot site.
Otherwise purchase a ticket from one of the parking meter machines and display on the car dashboard.
* Weekday hourly rate (8 am to 5 pm): $5.80 per hour, with 3 hour limit in Aquatic Drive,
* Weekday evening rates (5 pm to 9 pm): $5.80 flat rate
Option of parking at no cost in Albert Road service lane after 6pm on weekdays and any time saturday or sunday.
Snippets takes a break till the start of January prior to the 3 saturday club sailing days from 6th January including the Commodore’s short race series over 3 weeks.
Best wishes to members, and friends of Albert Sailing Club for the upcoming Festive Season
Rod Thomas
for ASC committee
ASC members Marc and Felcity Bernstein (Architects and Interior Designer) have written and curated a coffee table book called “ 99 Green Ideas ” to help people make their life a little bit greener. Many of the ideas would make wonderful gifts , but the book is also a gift in itself. The promo from Mark folows and includes a great discount offer for books purchased before the book launch on 14 December.
99 Tips Book promo
Thursday Snippets, 30 November
Last two saturdays of club sailing for 2023 on 2nd and 9th December, with club races at 2.30 both days.
On the 9th there is the ASC Festive Season and New Member Welcome Dinner. A catered and informal dinner with bookings required by 2nd December online via the link on the Home of or the list on the Galley bar in our clubrooms. This is a great opportunity for members and their families to get together for some end of the year cheer, whether active at the club in recent months or not. The social committee group have pulled arrangements together and look forward to a good turnout.
The new club members undertaking the Spring Learn to Sail course have their final two sessions on morning of saturday 2nd and afternoon of sunday 3rd. A Summer Learn to Sail course is being planned for February/March with more information on the Learn to Sail tab of the club website.
Finally, join us for our final club social sailing event for the year. with Twilight Social Sailing and BBQ on Wednesday 13 December. The clubhouse will be open from 4pm, with sailing from 5pm-7pm. Join the social group whether sailing or not on the balcony for a BBQ dinner ($10) or social drink.
Hire of a club training boat for club members, subject to approval and weather conditions on the day.
Any change in arrangements, such as cancellation due to weather, will be notified on the home page of ASC website by 7pm on the preceding day (12th).
The multi-class regatta season in Victoria is well underway. The Sail Melbourne regatta runs Thursday 30th to Sunday 3rd at Royal Beighton for Olympic classes and a number of invited classes including Tasar and junior Optimist classes. Over 150 entries including Olympians and Australian sailing team members will be in action in monohull dinghy, foiling sailboard and kite classes.
Then Australian championship events in a range of classes in the Christmas – New Year period in Victoria and interstate.
There are two laid back and less competitive regattas to mention early in the New Year. The Australia Day Regatta at Yarrawonga Yacht Club from 26th to 28th January, with option of cheap camping next to the club on the foreshore of Lake Mulwala. The 10th Inverloch Classic Dinghy (Sailing) Regatta on 17th and 18th February includes boat displays, novelty races and social events. A number of Albert Sailing Club and Albert Park Yacht Club members and their boats have featured over the years. Details on these two upcoming Regattas are on the websites of Yarrawonga and South Gippsland Yacht Clubs.
Photo below of ASC member Steve Dunn’s Impulse “Grumpy Boy” which he built in his home garage and awarded best sailing dinghy in original condition at the 2018 Inverloch Regatta.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets 23 November
Thursday 23rd Twilight Sailing followed by BBQ at Albert Sailing Club from 5pm. Register in advance for BBQ or club boat via email to
Another busy weekend on 24th and 25th November with club sailing day on saturday, including APYC-ASC Summer Series race at 2.30 from APYC, and Week 2 of Learn to Sail program all day Sunday.
Saturday 9th December last club sailing day for year and Festive Season Dinner from 6pm. For catering register by 3 December, preferably online via link on, with list also on club galley servery.
Short break in club weekend program from mid December to early January with resumption on saturday 9th January with 3 week short race Commodore’s Series. There is a Hall Hire on Christmas Day with upstairs clubroom and decking booked for a private function from 10am to 5pm.
Rod Thomas
ASC Sping Learn to Sail Week 1 on 19 November
Thursday Snippets, 15 November
A number of key activities to mention this week
* Lake again open to boating activites from late tuesday 14th November after South East Water fixed the small sewerage spill from last thursday and gave the all clear following daily water quality testing in four parts of the Lake.
* Twilight Sailing scheduled for Thursday 16 November cancelled given weather forecast for moderate to strong winds. Re-scheduled for Thursday 23rd November with arrangements as per cancelled date. New checkins for BBQ or member’s boat hire through club website link.
* Saturday 18th November Informal race in morning (arrive 9.30 – 9.45 for 10.30 Information Session and 11am start), and afternoon club race at 2.30. Galley service arrangements likely to be restricted.
* ASC Festive Season and New Member Welcome Dinner on saturday 9 December. The club’s social committee group has finalised and Bookings now open for this popular Annual Event. Enjoy a fantastic spit roast dinner, welcome our new members and share in some seasonal festive fun with other members and their families. Further information in the flyer attached. Make your bookings by 2 December, on the link on
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets 9 November IMPORTANT UPDATE
There has been a sewerage problem in the Albert Park Reserve with the sign enclosed to this UPDATE placed on the Lake foreshore on Thursday. Boating on the Lake is not recommended until water testing determines if there has been discharge into the Lake and whether water quality limits have been breached. We await a report from Parks Victoria and South East Water, hopefully on Friday. We will place an update on our club website by 6pm on Friday. This will include effects on our club sailing program over the coming days.
The link on the action from the gusty Club race on the 28th October has been updated on our You Tube site to
To improve video quality on your device click on the cogwheel on the You Tube screen and select the quality option.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 9 November
This coming week we have a big week of club activities.
* Club sailing day on Saturday 11th November. Monthly informal morning race at 11 Partially rig own or club boat by 10, then session on sailing upwind, and briefing at 10.30. Spring club race from 2.30. A RHIB ‘jockey’ assistant is needed for a patrol boat RHIB from 1pm.
* Thursday 16th November a new initiative with Twilight Sailing and a scrumptuous BBQ. This is a new initiative by the ASC Social Committee who warmly invites members, family and friends. Email by end of tuesday to register for the BBQ, and if a club member a training boat if required.
The sailing option is from 5pm to 7pm. Whether sailing or not join us on the balcony for the BBQ dinner available from 6.30 ($15 all you can eat: hamburgers, sausages, chicken skewers and salad and dessert) and a social drink. Hire of a club training boat (Zest, Pacer, Laser, or Ozi Opti) will be subject to weather conditions on the day.
Any postponement due to weather will be notified on by 7pm on the preceding day.
We look forward to seeing you there!
* Sunday 12th Week 1 of the Spring Learn to Sail program 9.30 to 4.30pm in club Zests.
To make the social sailing events a success, we need a pool of RHIB drivers and crew to assist with on-shore boat assistance and availability as a rescue boat driver/crew for this or future social sailing events so that we can contact the pool each time an event is scheduled and form a roster. Please email to add your name to the pool, and if you can assist on the 16th. Willing helpers will receive a FREE DINNER at the Twilight BBQ as a reward.
Send Mudpuddler Newsletter items to MAddy via,au
Rod Thomas
Checkout the action from the gusty Club race on the 28th October on our club Youtube site at
To improve video quality on your device click on the cogwheel on your screen and select the quality option.
Thursday Snippets, 2 November
A weekend off from organised sailing at Albert Park Lake on the “Cup Day weekend”. Given forecast likely to be some members down for a sail on one or more of the days.
* Saturday 11th informal morning race at 11 and club race from 2.30. Club training boats available for members from 9.30.
* Sunday 12th Week 1 of the Spring Learn to Sail program from 9.30 to 4.30pm. Late bookings may be possible till midday 3 November via,
*NEW The ASC Social Committee warmly invites members, family and friends to the season’s first Twilight Social Sailing and BBQ on Thursday 16th November.
The clubhouse will be open from 4pm on the 16th with sailing option from 5pm to 7pm. Join us whether sailing or not on the balcony for a BBQ dinner ($15 all you can eat: hamburgers, sausages, chicken skewers and salad and dessert) or social drink. Hire of a club training boat (Zest, Pacer, Laser, or Ozi Opti) will be subject to approval in advance and weather conditions on the day.
Any cancellation of Twilight Sailing due to weather will be notified on the home page of the asc website by 7pm on the preceding day.
Please email to register your attendance for the BBQ, and for a training boat if required.
We look forward to seeing you there!
To make these social sailing events a success, we need a pool of RHIB drivers and crew to assist with on-shore boat assistance and availability as a rescue boat driver/crew for this or future social sailing events so that we can contact the pool each time an event is scheduled and form a roster. Please email to add your name to the pool, and if you can assist on the 16th. Willing helpers will receive a FREE DINNER at the Twilight BBQ as a reward.
Rod Thomas
Thursday Snippets, 26 October
On Saturday 28th there is another club sailing day with clubrooms open from 10am and Spring Series Race from 2.30 for members and visitors from other clubs. School Teams Racing in PAcers from Boatshed all morning. Parking in Aquatic Drive is likely to be tight from mid morning with State Schools Athletics championships at Lakeside Stadium and require patience in finding a park. Members with annual parking permits can park in gravel areas next to the club if no parking spaces readily available.
No club sailing programmed on the Cup Day weekend in early November.
Then Upcoming
* Saturday 11th informal morning race at 11 and club race from 2.30.
* Sunday 12th Week 1 of the Spring Learn to Sail program from 9.30 to 4.30pm.
The course is a good opportunity for adults and youth with an adult to Learn to Sail a dinghy class boat on one of the safest and most convenient waterways in Victoria. Details and Bookings on, with bookings closing on Wednesday 1st November.
The Discover Sailing Public Open Day on Sunday 22nd proceeded in gusty conditions that tested the experienced club members who took people out sailing on Albert Park Lake. People who came down for a sail or to find out more about the club enjoyed the morning tea and BBQ and the ambience of the clubrooms with views of the Lake and the City skyline. Well done to the members who supported the activities on water or in and around the clubrooms.
Late News – Sunday 29th LAunch of Albert Park Clubs Sporting Network 11am – 12.30 southern end of Park. Anyone local may like to attend. Contact Greg via for details.
Rod Thomas
For Albert Sailing Club
Thursday Snippets, 11 January
Saturday 13th January is Week 2 of the 3 week ASC-APYC Commodore Short Race Series, Sail one, two or all three saturdays. Typically, two or three short races of 30 to 45 minutes duration from 2.30 each saturday of the Commodore Series, including a Green Fleet division for less experienced people. Club galley not operating at lunchtime in January, but will be an alternative of a BBQ from club BBQ on decking on saturday 13th
Friday 26 January Australia Day and Social Sailing at Albert Sailing Club. ASC members, family and friends are invite to come along and enjoy spending a pleasant day with others sailing and/or socialising. Put in your diary and stay tuned. More details soon.
Saturday 3 February Resumption of Club Summer Series. This will incorporate a Mike Howell Memorial Race for Impulse sailors from APYC, ASC and other Victorian clubs being organised by Albert PArk YAcht Club in memory of long term APYC Impulse sailor Mike Howell. Drinks from the bar, BBQ and Trophy presentations after sailing sailing on the APYC decking.
Saturday 10 February Top of the Bay Regatta at Williamstown Sailing Club for members of clubs from Elwood to Altona including the two Albert Park Lake clubs. Notice of Race and online entry for this annual event on the afternoon of 10 Febrauary is at
This year there will again be a combined ASC and APYC club entry, and we need at least 5 entries from each club.
Aero Class National Championships at Mt Martha YC from saturday 13 January. Photo of Aero and Laser class star at ASC 2023 Regatta, whcih includes ASC’s Ron Fergusson who is ailing his Aero 7 in the Aero NAtionals. Go Ron !
Finally, Recycling Cans and Bottles: the club is setting up an account so that you can save all of those 10c recyclable containers and then donate the money to the club. Full details will be provided as soon as our account is set up. In the meantime, please save all of the relevant containers and/or bring them to the club and deposit them where indicated both upstairs and downstairs. This is an easy way to contribute to club funds.
Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club committee and members