Thursday Snippets, 11 April

Club Sailing Day on saturday 13 April with club open from 10am and Club Championship Race at 2pm with Information session at 1.15 at Albert Sailing Club (note earlier times with end of Daylight Saving period.

The water level in the Lake has improved nicely with the rain of the last couple of weeks. Most dinghy classes should now be able to sail with centreboards fully down or raised just a few centimetres (with adjustments for weed!). A couple more good rain day should bring it close to max.

ANZAC Day Social Sailing and BBQ Buffet Dinner @ASC, 25 April
* Members, family and friends are warmly invited to join us for an afternoon of social sailing and a delicious BBQ dinner. Pre-register with names and numbers via email to or on list on Doug’s Bar at ASC.
* The club will be open from 1.00pm, with social sailing from 2.00pm.
* Serve yourself afternoon tea available from 2.00pm-4.30pm.
* Relax with a pre dinner drink before enjoying a BBQ dinner @ 5.30pm.
* Club boats will be available for hire up to 15 knots of wind on the day (please see Don or Greg)
* Drinks and BBQ Dinner WILL PROCEED regardless of weather !

Upcoming Regattas
Regattas at Yarrawonga, incl. Impulse State titles (25 April), Williamstown, incl. Mirror State titles (27/28 April), Sail Bellarine (4/5 May)

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Photo : ASC start/finish boat out of water for some repairs and TLC.

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Thursday Snippets, 4 April

Our club sailing program resumes on saturday 6th April with Informal Race and sailing session in morning and club race at 2.30.
* The morning sailing is directed at less experienced members, skippering or crewing in own boat ot a club training boat. Arrive 9.30 to 9.50 for unpacking and rigging of boats. Information upstairs in clubrooms at 10.20, with Informal Race/sailing from 11 to 12.If you are an ASC member who needs to sail a club boat see Rod and complete a boat hire form. Depending on demand boats will be allocated for 1up or 2up sailing. No hire fee applicable for Spring and Summer Learn to Sail course participants.
* Albert Park Yacht Club will be the lead club for racing this week. Albert Sailing Club members are asked to meet in our ASC clubrooms at 1.15. The plan for this week is that we will walk up to the APYC clubrooms to meet the APYC Commodore who will give us a tour of their buildings. Then sign on downstairs and attend the Information session to be held upstairs at the APYC building.
* After racing APYC is hosting drinks, pizzas and BBQ from 5pm for APYC and ASC members. This is the last of the summer daylight savings saturdays. We encourage ASC members to unrig, change and walk down to APYC for this. ASC will reciprocate in coming weeks.

The water level in the lake still requires sailing with raised centreboards. There were some welcome rain in Albert Park and surrounding areas on Monday into tuesday which increased the water levle from its low level of mid to late March. Following minimal rain in Melbourne since mid January We need two or more similar rain periods to bring the Lake up to a more normal level.
Our ASC start/finish boat Aerial II is scheduled to be loaded on a truck and taken to Sandringham Yacht Club for maintenance on wednesday 10th April so don’t be alarmed if you look on our webcam or salk bye and not see it in its moorin spot.

There is ASC/APYC sailing on each saturday in April. On Anzac Day Thursday 15th there is afternoon social sailing , followed by a BBQ at Albert Sailing Club, for members, and their families and friends. More details next week.

Upcoming Regattas
20th – 21st April Yarrawonga Yacht Club Anzac Regatta including Victorian Impulse Class Championships. Details on
27th – 28th April annual Williamstown Sailing Club regatta which includes the Mirror class state championships for Mirrors old and new. Short races saturday afternoon, sunday morning and early afternoon. Visitors welcome in particular Mirror, Pacer, Sabre classes. Regatta information on member queries can be directed to Rod via
2&5 May Sail Bellarine hosted by Indented Head Yacht Club. Open to Aeros, Lasers (ILCA), OKs, Optis, Sabres Regatta information

Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club commitee and members

Photo of Impulses at Albert Park Lake for the Mike Howell Memorial Race in early February.

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Thursday Snippets, 14 March 2024

The second and last club Sailing Day for March is on saturday 16th, with no scheduled sailing on the following F1 Grand Prix and Easter weekends. There is a members meeting in our clubrooms 11am to 12,15pm, and club race at 2.30. Club training boats available for hire by members after the Members meeting subject to weather conditions and approval by Don or Rod on the day.
The water level in the lake is just OK for sailing with raised centreboards following minimal rain in Melbourne since mid January and some bursts of hot weather since mid February including the scorcher on the Labour Day long weekend. We need rain for the Lake and its surrounding catchment area over the coming weeks .
On 16 and 17 March the only access to the club is via the Steel gates off Albert Road.
The Albert Park Reserve will be closed to all public access due to the F1 Grand Prix event from midnight on Monday 18 March to midnight 25 March, with some Park road closures after this period.

To join 11am club meeting on saturday 16th via online Zoom send an email to by 10am. Topic: ASC Committee meeting Join Zoom Meeting link is
Meeting ID: 225 862 4353
Passcode: ASC

For members who cannot make saturday morning meet an online alternative has been scheduled for 7.30 on tuesday 19th. Send an email for details to by 9pm on Monday


28 March Deadline for articles, photos and items interest for next Mucpuddler Newsletter. Send to with cc to
Monday 27 March to Monday 3 April Albert Park Reserve closed to public for F1 Grand Prix. No access to ASC clubrooms or boatyard.

Saturday 6 April Albert Sailing Club autumn sailing resumes with Informal morning race at 11 and club race at 2.30

Thursday 25 April Social day at Albert Sailing Club with sailing and socialising in afternoon and bBQ dinner. Put in your diary, with more details to follow.

Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April Yarrawonga YAcht Club Anzac Regatta incorporating Impulse class Victorian Championships.Next Thursday Snippets on 4 April.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Photo : ASC’s Kengo sailing off Sandringham in Victorian Optimist class Green Fleet State championships across the Labour Day long weekend.


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Thursday Snippets, 29 February

Club Sailing Day on Saturday 2nd March. The Summer Learn to Sail group have there seventh and final session from 9.30 to 12.15. Club Summer Series race at 2.30. There will be a Welcome to New Members BBQ at lunchtime from 12.15 Please come along whether sailing or not to show your support and warmly welcome our newest ASC members as they graduate from our summer Learn to Sail Program. BBQ lunch available from 12pm and the ASC Bar will be open.
Hamburgers (beef/chicken, bread rolls, lettuce, tomato, cheese and onion) @ $6. Sausages in bread @ $2. Lunch complimentary for our new members!

Advance notice of an important club Members meeting in our clubrooms at 11am on saturday 16th March.  
We are seeking members feedback and discussion on :
* Future Directions for the club, including a need for more people to step up  for club roles in 2024/25
* An update on discussions with Albert Park Yacht Club on potential Unification.
There will be an online Zoom option for joining the meeting.  There will also be a repeat session via Zoom will be held on Tuesday 19th March at 7.30 p.m. for those unable to attend the club on the 16th.

Involvement of club members in the club’s current and future activities is important and we look forward to seeing you there!  

We are seeking members feedback and discussion on :
* Future Directions for the club, including succession for club roles in 2024/25
* An update on discussions with Albert Park Yacht Club on potential Unification.
There will be an online Zoom option for joining the meeting.
Involvement of club members in the club’s current and future activities is important and we look forward to seeing you there!


* In the four weeks of March following 2nd March there is just one programmed Club Sailing Day at Albert Park Lake, the saturday 16th March date.
There is the Labour Day weekend 9 to 11 March, Easter 29 March to 1 April, and Melbourne’s F1 Grand Prix 22 – 24 March. The Albert Park Reserve will be closed to public access, which includes our members, from midnight on Monday 18 March to midnight 25 March. There will be road closures in the park before and after this period, but access open to Aquatic Drive behind our clubrooms with the odd ‘stop/go’ exception.

* On the Labour Day long weekend a number of dinghy classes have their Victorian championships including the junior Optimist Class at Sandringham and the Pacer class at Rhyll on Phillip Island. Also 90 or so trailables sailing the 56th annual Marley Point Overnight Rin the Gippsland Lakes 9/10 MArch.

* On Friday 1st March there is a Fundraising night at Sandringham Yacht Club 6.30 to 8.30 for a group of seven youth/young adult high performance sailors   on the pathway to their Olympic dreams. This includes current IQ foilers Anna and Philip Cripsey and Tana Deyell who were junior members who sailed Optimists in club races and training programs at Albert Sailing Club in the mid to late 2010’s decade.

Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club committee and members.

Photo : Tony and Rowley assisting Learn to Sail “trainees” Cate and Spike in a club Zest.

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Thursday Snippets, 22 February

Another club Sailing Day on saturday 24 February with Summer Series Race at 2.30pm. Also another one of our monthly Informal Race at 11am or non-competitive casual sailing sessions. Sunday 25th Week 3 of the club’s Summer Learn to Sail course. Across saturday and sunday Victorian Athletics Championships at Lakeside Satdium behidnd club . If no parking spaces available in Aquatic Drive members can park on gravel areas next to club if they have current annual Parks Vic parking pass.
For informal race on saturday 24th arrive between 9.30 and 10am to rig or partially rig a boat prior to an Information session at 10.15 in our clubrooms. For ASC members without a boat or wanting to try another class ASC club training boats will be available for hire using Hire form on noticeboard at top of clubrooms stairs and OK from Don or Rod.
Saturday 2nd March a full day at Albert Sailing Club with last Learn to Sail session in morning, a lunchtime BBQ for our new members and all other club members, and Summer Handicap Series race at 2.30.

Sail GP professionally raced catamarans racing in Sydney on saturday 24 and 25 February with free live streaming of event of SBS on demand from 4pm each day.

Another big championships with Australian and World single handed OK dinghy class Championships in Brisbane from saturday 24th. Mike Horvath who is a member of three Melbourne clubs including Albert Sailing club is competing. The event has 110 entries from 7 countries and is being reported as the biggest OK Dinghy world championship to ever be held in Australia. While the majority of the fleet will be taken by Australian boats there are twenty from New Zealand boats, and 18 in two containers from Europe.
Mike Horvath drove up to Brisbane this week after he and Paul Farrell our ASC Club Captain won the Victorian Hartley 16 champs event at Saint Leonards last weekend.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

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Thursday Snippets,

Club sailing program resumes with Club Sailing Days including Summer Season Races at 2.30 on saturdays 17 and 24 February and 2 March. We welcome Sue back for the Club Galley which operates at lunchtimes on saturdays. On sunday 18th Week 2 of the club’s Summer Learn to Sail course. The weather forecast is for mild summer weather across the weekend which should be good for sailing on the Lake after the burst of hot windy weather earlier in the week.

The annual Top of the Bay Regatta for dinghy sailing clubs from Elwood around to Altona including Albert Park Lake clubs was sailed in the waters between Williamstown and Port Melbourne on saturday 10th. A good fleet of 78 boats sailed the Regatta Race in a very pleasant 5 – 10 knot sea breeze with calm seas. Phillip, Rod and Gianne from ASC sailed their ILCA6 Lasers from Port Melbourne and finished just two and a half minutes apart in a race time of around 80 minutes. The 3 ASC boats plus 4 from Albert Park Yacht Club formed the Albert Park Lake team, which didn’t quite make the threshold of ten boats for an interclub team result.
Some interesting “nuggests of information” supplied by the hosting Williamstown Sailing Club race management team is included below.

Otherwise. Jaemie and David have sailed all week, except the windy tuesday, in the World Fireball Championships in Corio Bay off Geelong which conclude on saturday 17th.
The ILCA (Laser) Masters World Championship s concluded in Adelaide last weekend. The 20 or so competitors from Victoria in the fleet of 230 boats had good results with 3 division winners and a close second across the 9 divisions which included the Legends division for competitors 65 years of age plus.

Rod Thomas
for Committee and members
Albert Sailing Club

A few interesting nuggets from the 2024 Top of the Bay Regatta results:
* Port Melbourne with 9 of the top 20 placings narrowly won the interclub challenge trophy from Altona which had 5 of the top 10 results.
* Shannon Wilson from Altona in a Mosquito sloop catamaran took first overall individual placing.
* Biggest classes were Impulses and ILCA6s with 9 boats each
* Williamstown with 29 entries had the largest number of entries closely followed by Port Melbourne with 25 entries.
* 28 classes in total – only 7 had entries from more than one Club (Impulse, 125, ILCA6, Sabre, ILCA7, Pacer, Aero7). Shows that TOTB is a great event for mixed fleet racing
* Moving forward need to think about how to encourage Elwood and Albert Park sailors to join in so there is more contention for the interclub trophy.

Rod’s Boat 2024 Top of the Bay Regatta

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Thursday Snippets, 8 February

Saturday 10 February Top of the Bay Regatta at Williamstown Sailing Club. Boats launching from Altona, Williamstown, Port Melbourne and Elwood for racing area between Williamstown and Port Melbourne, No programmed sailing at Lake on saturday 10th,

Sunday 11 February ASC Summer Learn to Sail course commences for 9 new club members. Program am and pm for three succwsssive sundays, Finishes am on saturday 3rd March. A big welcome to our new members in training.

Saturday 17 February Resumption of Club Summer Series, with saturday afternoon races three successive saturdays.

ASC’s Jaemie Wilson and David Scammell are sailing at Royal Geelong in a fleet of 65 Fireballs in the Australian Fireball Championships until 9 February and then the World Fireball Champiosnhsips 11th to 16th. Go Jaemie and David.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Photo of Jaemie and David in training on Port Phillip.

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Thursday Snippets, 1 February

Saturday 3 February has Resumption of Club saturday Summer Sailing Days, with a forecast for warm, sunny conditions and an afternoon sea breeze.
* At 11am there will be on of our monthly Informal Race and/or non-competitive casual sailing sessions, with APYC and members from other clubs welcome. Arrive between 9.30 and 9.45 to rig or partially rig a boat prior to an Information session at 10.10 in our clubrooms. For ASC members without a boat or wanting to try another class ASC club training boats will be available.
* ASC-APYC Summer Series Race at 2.30pm with Information Session at 1,45 in front of APYC. Impulse sailors have a specific invite to sail the afternoon race in APYC’s “Mike Howell Memorial Impulse Race” After sailing members of ASC have been invited to join APYC members on their clubrooms decking for BBQ snags, drinks from the APYC bar and prizes for the Mike Howell Race.

Saturday 10 February Top of the Bay Regatta at Williamstown Sailing Club with 2pm start for members of clubs from Elwood to Altona including combined ASC and APYC club entry. Notice of Race and online entry at  Sailing Instuctions are to be posted on the event site in the next few days.
Boats can be rigged at Port Melbourne or Williamstown with the course roughly midway between. Also Williamstown are likely to have a Green Fleet sailing session 9.30 to 11.30.   Any club members seeking more information on the day can speak to Rod at our club on saturday or via 

On Friday 26th the club had a well supported and well received BBQ and Social Sailing Day.
A Short post event report and photos from Lisa, who was part of the organising group.
We were thrilled to have over 50 people (including members, family, friends and folk from APYC) come along to enjoy our inaugural ASC Australia Day BBQ and Social Sailing.🇦🇺
It was a really relaxed, fun and sociable day with a good number enjoying a morning sail, followed by a delicious BBQ buffet replete with eucalyptus leaves and Australian flags; a spot of Australia Day trivia (taken out by the “Yeah-Nah” team) and fittingly finished off with pavlova and lamingtons. (The big question based on previous BBQ’s is were there Onions on the BBQ Rowley!)
It was wonderful to see so many of our new members supporting the day (including several who had only joined the club in the last week!), and comments on the friendliness of people at the club.

Well done to those in the Social Committee Group who put it all together, and Commodore Greg for his on water support.

Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club Committee and Members


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Thursday Snippets, 25 January

Friday 26 January Australia Day and Social Sailing at Albert Sailing for ASC members, family and friends.
A BBQ lunch will be served from 1.00pm @ $12 pp. Bar will be open. Good numbers of people have registered to date. Late registrations email Gai ( with payment on the day.
The club will be open from 10.30am on 26th, with Social Sailing from 11.00am-1.00pm (weather permitting). Given the forecast two days out the availability of club boats for members to hire is uncertain with a decision to be made by Don McK at the club on Friday morning. THE BBQ WILL PROCEED IN RAIN, HAIL OR SHINE!

Saturday 3 February Resumption of Club saturday Summer Sailing Days with club open from 9.30 for Informal Short Race from 11am and Summer Series Race from 2.30. The afternoon race will incorporate Albert Park Yacht Club holding of the “Mike Howell Memorial Race” for the Impulse class., with an invite for current and past Impulse sailors. The APYC bar will be open along with BBQ snags and prizes to be awarded after the race on the APYC Deck.

Saturday 10 February Top of the Bay Regatta at Williamstown Sailing Club for members of clubs from Elwood to Altona including combined ASC and APYC club entry. Notice of Race and online enrty at Sailing Instuctions to be posted on event site in the next few days.

On the Australia Day weekend there are a number of regattas including :
Friday and Saturday  McCrae Yacht Club regatta for Off the Beach classes.
Friday Festival of Sails Passage races for keel boats from Melbourne and Morninton to Geelong starting at 9.30. Races in Corio Bay and Waterfront festival saturday and sunday.
Friday to Sunday  Yarrawonga Yacht Club Regatta for Off the Beach classes and trailables.
Friday and Saturday Buxton Cup  at Sorrento Sailing and Couta Boat Club for junior Off the Beach classes. ASC’s Kengo is entered to have his first race on Port Phillip in the Optimist Green Fleet division. Go Kengo.
Photo : On water shot from Sorrento SCBC.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

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Snippets 18 January 2024

This Saturday at the Club:

Saturday 20th January is Week 3 and the final week of the ASC-APYC Commodore Short Race Series, and the weather is looking fantastic with no rain and moderate winds. Two or three short-course races will commence at 2.30 p.m. and there will be a Green Fleet Division for less experienced people.

Whilst the Club Galley remains closed until early Feb, the BBQ will be serving the usual fare from 12 noon on the deck.  So come along and enjoy a wonderful day at the club.


Friday 26 January  Australia Day and Social Sailing at Albert Sailing Club.

ASC members, family and friends are invited to come along and enjoy a fun day of good company and a tasty BBQ lunch on the clubhouse deck.

A delicious BBQ lunch (baked potatoes, grilled corn, salads, variety of meats and pavlova) will be served from 1.00pm @ $12 pp. Bar will be open. To assist with catering, please email Gai ( with numbers or indicate on the list at the galley bar. Payment to be made on the day.

The club will be open from 10.30am, with Social Sailing from 11.00am-1.00pm (weather permitting). Club boats will be available for hire by approved members. Cancellation of sailing due to unfavourable weather will be advised on the ASC website the afternoon prior.


We look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday 3 February  Resumption of Club Summer Series.

Summer Championship Race 6 takes place on 3 February for all Divisions.  The Impulse Division race will incorporate a Mike Howell Memorial Race for Impulse sailors from APYC, ASC and other Victorian clubs, organised by the Albert Park Yacht Club in memory of long term APYC Impulse sailor Mike Howell. The trophy presentation for this special race will take place after sailing on the APYC deck, together with drinks from the APYC bar and a BBQ.

Saturday 10 February Top of the Bay Regatta at Williamstown Sailing Club

For members of clubs from Elwood to Altona including the two Albert Park Lake clubs. Notice of Race and online entry for this annual event on the afternoon of 10 February is at
This year there will again be a combined ASC and APYC club entry, and we need at least 5 entries from each club.  There will be no racing at the Lake on that day.

Aero National Championships at Mount Martha Yacht Club:

Ron Fergusson was against a tough fleet at these National Championships, including Krystal Weir, ex World Champion and Olympian.  Not surprisingly, Krystal won the Aero 7 title, with Ron in a very credible 10th position overall, including one 3rd placing.  Great effort Ron.

(Photo courtesy of the Mount Martha Yacht Club)

Recycling Cans and Bottles:

The club now has an account so that you can save all of those 10c recyclable containers and then donate the money to the club. If you want to collect/donate locally, full details of how to do this and the relevant bar-code/ID number are available from Cindy ( or at the club).  The kids/grandkids will love the process of feeding your cans into the machine if you have a local depot!

Alternatively, save and bring your eligible bottles/cans to the club and deposit them where indicated  in the marked containers near the upstairs door and downstairs near the bins.  Please check the eligibility mark on the can/bottle first and do not crush any cans.  Wine bottles are not eligible.This is an easy way to contribute to club funds as well as helping the environment.  Collect your own, collect from your neighbours, and let’s all get on board with this simple fundraising effort for our club.  If 50 club members each donated 1 container per day, the club would be over $1800 better of at the end of one year.  Very worthwhile.

Cindy Tilbrook

On behalf of Rod who is on a well-deserved break.

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