Thursday Snippets, 19 October

Upcoming is our club’s Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 22 October 10am to 3pm and the Spring Learn to Sail program from 12 November.
On Saturday 21st another ASC/APYC club race at 2.30.

The 3 day out forecast for the 21/22 October weekend is not looking promising with some strong winds being forecast. As always we need to wait and see what develops. The Discover Sailing Day will proceed, hopefully with opportunity for some club boats to get out on Albert Park Lake.  There will be Boat displays, tours of the club, some Rigging Demonstrations, Rope Tying, and club members on hand to chat to about our club and getting into dinghy sailing and sailing with our club. Also morning tea and BBQ at no cost from late morning. 

Details and registration links for the Discover Sailing Day participants and volunteers are on the Home screen of
We want to gratefully acknowledge the support of the City of Port Philip for our Discover Sailing Day. 

The Learn to Sail program from 12th November is for adults and adult/youth of the same family, with sailing in club Zest boats. For people with little or no experience of dinghy sailing or someone returning to sailing after a long break. Sessions on 3 sundays from 12th November, with a final session on saturday 2nd December. This is a good opportunity to learn or refresh skills and enjoyment of dinghy sailing on Albert Park Lake, a convenient and safe place to Sail.
Full details and bookings link again on the Home screen of 

Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club committee and members

Photo :  Week 3 of the Girls School Term 4 tuedsay afternoon program. The girls are sailing the club’s RS Zest traing boats which will be used at the Discover Sailing Day and in the Spring Learn to Sail program.

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Thursday Snippets, 12 October

A regular club sailing day on saturday 14 October. Club open from 10.00, with Information Session in our clubrooms at 1.45 for Spring Series race from 2.30. 

Upcoming is our Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 22 October 10am to 3pm and the Spring Learn to Sail program from 12 November.
* The Discover Sailing Day provides an opportunity for family and friends and the general public to try dinghy sailing and/or find out more about sailing and our club.
We have had a good response to a call out for members to volunteer to assist on the day. We could do with a few more, in particualr people who can take people out sailing on a club training boat or operate a powerboat. Details and registration links for participants and for members to vblunteer are on the Home screen of
* The Learn to Sail program is for adults and adult/youth of the same family, with sailing in club Zest boats. For people with little or no experience of dinghy sailing or someone returning to sailing after a long break. Sessions on 3 sundays from 12th November, with a final session on saturday 2nd December. Full details and bookings link again on the Home screen of

The club’s monthly general committee meeting is on tuesday 17th at 7.30. Non-committee members welcome. Contact the Commodore or Rear Commodore if looking to attend.

Good to see the water level in Lake back up to its maximum level after the rain this month. This makes for good Spring sailing on Albert Park Lake.

Rod Thomas
Rear Commodore
for Albert Sailing Club committee

Photo of a family enjoying a sail on the club’s Quest sailboat at a Discover Sailing Session in 2022.


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Thursday Snippets, 5 October

A busy program of activities on the 7th with our monthly informal short course morning race race at 11 including the Virgo ladies skippers race * ; BBQ on ASC decking at lunchtime **; APYC’s season opening Sailpast for the Spring season on the Lake at 2.15 ***, and the first Spring Series race afrom 2.30. The weather forecast is looking reasonable with southerlies rather than gusty northerlies.

Our main Upcoming is our Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 22 October. Invite families and friends of members and general public with details and registration link on Share the pictorial post enclosed.We also need members to volunteer to assist on the day, with registration for that also on the Home Screen of the club website.

Additionally on 7th October program 
* For the informal morning race arrive between 9.30 and 9.45 or so for rigging own boat, with a club training boat for members. Information session in clubrooms at 10.20 for the informal race at 11. Lady skippers from ASC, APYC or other clubs invited to sail 1up or 2up in the annual Virgo Ladies skippers race.
** Following the morning’s events, there will be a BBQ lunch available on the upstairs decking with the usual sausage sizzle offerings, plus homemade hamburgers ($6) for those wanting something more substantial (hamburger bun, meat patty, cheese, lettuce, tomato). The galley will still operate for those who want their usual Galley foods and drinks.
*** Information Session for Sailpast and afternoon Spring Series race at 1.30 ish at APYC. All welcome to sail or observe Sail Past in northern basin of the Lake, and then packup or sail the club race which follows on.

A reminder if using the clubrooms leave the area you were in in a tidy state and on a non-programmed day take your bin items home with you.

Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club committee and members

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Thursday Snippets, 21 September

Week 3 of the  short course Bill Hooper Series on saturday 23rd from 2pm. Club open from 10.30 with club training boats available for members with approval by Don or Rod on the day. 
The club’s program has a break on the AFL Grand Final weekend. The Social Sailing/Family Picnic Day mentioned in Mupduddler for 1 October has been postponed.

Last Saturday 16th  saw 40 people gather at the club for a very social, very competitive Trivia night.  7 teams competed over a range of quiz sets, with each team being required to decide in advance which set (eg History & Geography, Sport, Old-Fashioned Cinema and Music, Famous Faces) was their special field of expertise and worth ‘double points’ for each correct answer.  The winning team of Lisa, John and Tony, whilst being worthy winners, only won by the smallest of margins and quiz-master Cindy was frequency queried on the veracity of both questions and answers as competitors vied for the Trivia Trophy.  It was a glorious spring evening and many of the non-members attending were impressed with the view over the lake and the fantastic facilities the club has available

* School Holiday Sailing Day on Wednesday 27th. Includes Junior program for club juniors and youth those who have completed a Learn to Sail level program. Registration via link on our club website by 8pm on Sunday 24th. Midweek sailors of all ageswelcome to sail casually or come down for a ‘watch and chat’ during the day up to 4pmish
* The Spring season commences on saturday 8th October, with start time for afternoon club races back to 2.30 for daylight savings period till April. 
Morning short race from 11am with briefing and rigging from 9.30. Includes annual Virgo Ladies skippers short race. Sail 1up or 2up in own boat or a club training boat

Registrations now open and details on for :
* Albert Sailing Club’s Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 22 October. A great opportunity for peple to visit our club and go for a sail with an experienced member.
* Spring Learn to Sail program from Sunday 12th November.

Parks Victoria have notified of road closures on Sunday 24 September, 8 and 15 October of most roads in Albert Park Reserve including in Aquatic Drive behind sailing club fo some major events. Summary of closures on Home of
Rod Thomas
A couple of photos from the ASC Trivia Night 


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Thursday Snippets, 14 September

The club’s Winter Season concludes with short course racing from 2pm on saturday 16th and 23rd. Forecast for saturday 16th is looking promising with warm conditions and light to possibly moderate winds. Club training boats available for club memberswith approval by Don or Rod on the day.

On saturday 16th take advantage of the warmer weather and stay on or come to the club for the Trivia Night from 6pm. BYO main course with dessert and nibbles provided, and drinks from Doug’s Bar. All members and their friends welcome. Send late registrations to Cindy via

One of the two old wooden Mirrors setup for racing mentioned in the Spring Mudpuddler has been sold. If you are interested in buying the other at a good low price speak to Rod on the weekend. Otherwise will offer to a potential buyer from a Peninsula club next week. Also a couple of  wooden Sabres for sale at a good price.

* School Holiday Sailing Day on Wednesday 27th. Includes Junior program for those who have completed Tackers programs or similar Learn to Sail – registration on our Albert Sailing Club Wild Apricot site. Midweek sailors welcome to sail casually or come down for a ‘watch and chat’ during the day up to 4pm or so.

* The Spring season commences on saturday 8th October.
Morning short race from 11am with briefing and rigging from 9.30.

Registrations now open and details on for
* Albert Sailing Club’s Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 22 October. A great opportunity to invite family and friends to visit our club and go for a sail with an experienced member.

* Spring Learn to Sail program from Sunday 12th November.

APYC’s City Sail Coaching Regatta and the VIODA Girls and Mum’s weekend based at Albert Sailing Club both went well last weekend. Photo of the sunday afternoon Zest short race 1st placegetter ASC’s Mai and Nina Curtis, State MP for Albert Park. Well done Mai and the other four ladies skippers from Albert Sailing Club who sailed the City Sail weekend.

Rod Thomas

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Thursday Snippets, 7 September

On saturday 9th September there is a half yearly ASC Working Bee in the morning for members from 9.30. Come down dressed in ‘working bee clothes’. No club racing with APYC’s City Sail Women’s and Girl’s Regatta across the weekend. Five ASC ladies entered, with two in Sabres and three in club Zests.

The club’s Winter Season concludes with short course racing from 2pm on saturday 16th and 23rd. The Spring season commences on saturday 8th October.

Saturday 16th Trivia Night @ Albert Sailing Club from 6pm for members and friends. Details on club website with pre-Registrations required on list on club Galley or the club website link.

Wednesday 27th School Holiday Sailing Day including Junior program for those who have completed Tackers programs or similar Learn to Sail – registration on our club Wild Apricot site. All members welcome to sail casually or come down for a ‘watch and chat’. Any queries can be directed to Rod via training

The finalists for the Australian Sailing Victoria annual Awards have been released on their Facebook site with the Award presentation night on Friday 15th September. Nice mix of finalists for Club of the Year.

Rod Thomas


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Thursday Snippets, 31 August

The three week annual Bill Hooper short race series sailed in September commences on saturday 2nd. Two or three short races in the northern half of the Lake on 2nd, 16th and 23rd. Also on saturday 2nd another of our monthly 11am short races for newer and less experienced members, with rigging from 9.30 and a briefings session from 10.
On sunday 3rd we have the final VIODA junior Optimist class Winter Coaching session 1 – 4pm. We have enjoyed hosting the Victorian Optimist fleet over the winter months and wish them well as they return to their home clubs and the 2023/24 Regatta program.


On saturday 9th September there is a half yearly ASC Working Bee in the morning for members from 9.30. Come down dressed in ‘working bee clothes’. No club racing with APYC’s City Sail Women’s and Girl’s Regatta across the weekend. This incorporates the VIODA girls and Mum’s weekend which will be based at Albert SC.

Saturday 16th  Trivia Night @ Albert Sailing Club from 6pm for members and friends. Details and Registrations via link on club website or on list on club Galley.

Wednesday 27th  School Holiday Sailing Day including Junior program with Instructors – registration on our club Wild Apricot site. All members welcome to sail casually or come down for a ‘watch and chat’.

The finalists for the Australian Sailing Victoria annual Awards have been released with the Award presentation night at Sandringham Yacht Club on Friday 15th September. Albert Sailing Club’s Hamish Gilsenan is one of three finalists for the Youth Sailor of the Year in recognition of his outstanding performances in the ILCA6 (Laser Radial) class at State, National and International level in 2022/23. The other two finalists Aidan and Callum Simmons have also sailed well in 2022/23 and have been down training at Albert Sailing Club on a number of sundays in 2022/23. 

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee


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Thursday Snippets, 24 August

One more week till the end of Winter and start of Spring!
On the 26/27 September weekend there is are two Resails for the ‘price of one’ on saturday with Winter Handicap Series Race 5 and Championship Series Race 7 at 2pm, and the lub open from 10am.
On sunday there is week 11 of the 12 week VIODA Optimist class winter training program from 1 – 4pm.

Saturday 2, 16 and 23 September  Annual Bill Hooper Series with short races from 2pm.
Also on 2 September monthly saturday morning session with rigging from 9.30 and Infomation session at 10.30 for short race and sail.

Saturday 16 September Trivia Night Come along and enjoy a fun-filled evening of trivia for club members and their guests. Full details and registration via our club website (

The club’s Winter/Spring Mudpuddler Newsletter has been released via email and a copy placed on our club website for downloading and viewing. The latest issue has reports on club events and activities of members since May and Upcoming  including : saturday sailing program across Spring, Trivia Night on saturday 16 September, Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 22 October and the next Learn to Sail program in late Spring. 
Rod Thomas
for ASC committee


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Thursday Snippets, 17 August

Another full weekend at Albert Sailing Club of the 16th and 17th August with Winter Series club race at 2pm on saturday, and on sunday 1 – 4pm Week 2 of the 4 Week Block 3 VIODA junior Optimist Winter Coaching program. 

Upcoming Events

Saturdays in August and September club sailing days with club races at 2pm.

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September Citysail Coaching and Racing Regatta on Albert Park Lake for Women and Girls skippers to be sailed from Albert Park Yacht Club.  Details and bookings on Currently we know of two ASC female ASC members entered. ASC members can get further information and discuss boat options with Rod down at our club or via

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee

Photo :  Six VIODA Optimsit class junior sailors who sailed our club regatta in June and the winter coaching program have participated in the  week long Qingdao International Optimist Training Camp & Regatta, Qingdao, China in mid August with Optimist sailors from China and other countries. A well organised exchange program which was a great experience for them and  the parents who travelled with them.

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Thursday Snippets, 10 August

On the weekend of the 12th and 13th there is a club sailing day on the saturday with Winter Series club race at 2pm, and on sunday from 1 – 4pm Week 1 of the 4 Week Block 3 VIODA Winter Coaching program.

The August club committee meeting is on tuesday 15th. Another online Zoom meeting. Members welcome to attend or raise an item through our secretary Tim Falkiner –

On the international front the World Championships for all 10 Olympic sailing classes will be sailed from the Hague, Netherlands 10 – 20 August. This is the most important sailing regatta in 2023 with 900 boats from over 90 countries entered, and 51 Australian sailors. They are vying to qualify their country for the sailing events in the Paris 2024 Olympics. The Australian contingent is lead by Matt Wearn the Men’s Laser gold medallist at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. There are two Victorians- Casey Imeneo, the Victorian ILCA6 (Laser Radial) champion in the ILCA 6 women’s and Laura Harding in the 49erFX skiff. Both have sailed in regattas at Albert Sailing Club in recent years. Updates on the leadup and results for the Aussie sailors on the Australian SAiling Team .

Rod Thomas
Rear Commodore

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