A regular club sailing day on saturday 14 October. Club open from 10.00, with Information Session in our clubrooms at 1.45 for Spring Series race from 2.30.
Upcoming is our Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 22 October 10am to 3pm and the Spring Learn to Sail program from 12 November.
* The Discover Sailing Day provides an opportunity for family and friends and the general public to try dinghy sailing and/or find out more about sailing and our club.
We have had a good response to a call out for members to volunteer to assist on the day. We could do with a few more, in particualr people who can take people out sailing on a club training boat or operate a powerboat. Details and registration links for participants and for members to vblunteer are on the Home screen of www.albertsc.org.au
* The Learn to Sail program is for adults and adult/youth of the same family, with sailing in club Zest boats. For people with little or no experience of dinghy sailing or someone returning to sailing after a long break. Sessions on 3 sundays from 12th November, with a final session on saturday 2nd December. Full details and bookings link again on the Home screen of www.albertsc.org.au.
The club’s monthly general committee meeting is on tuesday 17th at 7.30. Non-committee members welcome. Contact the Commodore or Rear Commodore if looking to attend.
Good to see the water level in Lake back up to its maximum level after the rain this month. This makes for good Spring sailing on Albert Park Lake.
Rod Thomas
Rear Commodore
for Albert Sailing Club committee
Photo of a family enjoying a sail on the club’s Quest sailboat at a Discover Sailing Session in 2022.
Thursday Snippets, 19 October
Upcoming is our club’s Discover Sailing Public Open Day on sunday 22 October 10am to 3pm and the Spring Learn to Sail program from 12 November.
On Saturday 21st another ASC/APYC club race at 2.30.
The 3 day out forecast for the 21/22 October weekend is not looking promising with some strong winds being forecast. As always we need to wait and see what develops. The Discover Sailing Day will proceed, hopefully with opportunity for some club boats to get out on Albert Park Lake. There will be Boat displays, tours of the club, some Rigging Demonstrations, Rope Tying, and club members on hand to chat to about our club and getting into dinghy sailing and sailing with our club. Also morning tea and BBQ at no cost from late morning.
Details and registration links for the Discover Sailing Day participants and volunteers are on the Home screen of www.albertsc.org.au.
We want to gratefully acknowledge the support of the City of Port Philip for our Discover Sailing Day.
The Learn to Sail program from 12th November is for adults and adult/youth of the same family, with sailing in club Zest boats. For people with little or no experience of dinghy sailing or someone returning to sailing after a long break. Sessions on 3 sundays from 12th November, with a final session on saturday 2nd December. This is a good opportunity to learn or refresh skills and enjoyment of dinghy sailing on Albert Park Lake, a convenient and safe place to Sail.
Full details and bookings link again on the Home screen of www.albertsc.org.au.
Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club committee and members
Photo : Week 3 of the Girls School Term 4 tuedsay afternoon program. The girls are sailing the club’s RS Zest traing boats which will be used at the Discover Sailing Day and in the Spring Learn to Sail program.