Thursday Snippets, 20 June

On the 22/23 June weekend we welcome members from Albert Sailing, Albert Park Yacht Club and Visitors from other clubs for our annual Top of the Lake Regatta for dinghy class boats.

On Saturday the Information Session will be in the Albert Sailing Club clubrooms at 12.30 leading into the first start at 1.15pm. Short course racing is then scheduled from 10.30am on Sunday. Sign On and Sign Off both days on Sign On/ Sign Off sheets below the noticeboard in boatyard behind the club foyer.

Race Entry, and Race Documents, including the Sailing Instructions have been posted on the Regatta 2024 tab of As at 10pm on Wednesday 18 June there were 68 entries for either one or both days with a table showing numbers by class on the Regatta 2024 tab. Expecting a few more still to register.
Late entries accepted on line until 8pm on Friday 21st June. Very late entries (not preferred) and Parent Consent Forms for junior competitors 11am to 12 noon at Registration desk at top of stairs in clubrooms.

ASC and APYC members sailing the ASC-APYC Winter Series on Saturday afternoon need to enter the Regatta for the saturday afternoon session, with the option of entering the full regatta.

The club canteen upstairs in the clubhouse will operate over the lunch period on Saturday and lunches should be pre-ordered and paid for upon arrival at the club to guarantee availability.
Participants will need to provide their own lunch on Sunday noting that the lunch break may be relatively brief to allow racing to recommence as soon as possible. A café is located a short distance from the Clubhouse.

A barbecue will be available on the club balcony after sailing on Saturday and hot nibbles will be provided after sailing on Sunday, with Drinks from our club’s “Doug’s Bar”

Overnight boat storage for Visitor Boats will be available in the Albert Sailing Club boat yard. Announcements regarding storage will be made after the conclusion of Session 1 on the Saturday.

We look forward to welcoming Sailors, duty crews and spectators across the Regatta weekend, Come well dressed for the Winter conditions !


Albert Sailing Club Winter Season continues on saturdays from 29 June. On 29 June 1pm in APYC clubrooms for presentations for ASC-APYC Summer Season followed by Information Sessiong for 2pm race.

WinterSail Junior and Youth Coaching Regatta for junior classes from Albert Park Yacht Club, 12 to 14 July

VIODA Optimist class Winter Coaching program at Albert Sailing Club on Sunday afternoons resumes from 21 July.

Rod Thomas
Rear Commodore
For Albert Sailing Club Members

Photo : Albert Sailing Club Umpire and past Commodore Luke Tupper with Frances the Winner of the Umpires Trophy at the VIODA Optimist Class annual Team Race at Albert Sailing Club sunday 16th June. Posts and photos on

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Thursday Snippets, 13 June

Two full weekends at Albert Sailing Club in mid June with Club Racing and VIODA Optimist programs on 15/16 June and our Annual “Top of The Lake” Regatta on 22/23 June, with online Regatta entries sought by Wednesday 19th June.
* Saturday 15th Winter Handicap Series race from 2pm. Information Session at 1.10pm at APYC, 5 minutes earlier than usual, to include trophy presentations for 2023=24 ASC-APYC Summer Season. 
Also on saturday 15th Mini-working bee for ASC members from 9.30 a.m. Jobs include clearing the boatyard and clubhouse of leaves;  cleaning on club decking and a general tidy-up. A blower vac, face masks and gloves would be useful. One of Cindy’s Winter BBQ’s from club BBQ after sailing.
* Sunday 16th VIODA Optimist class program with Teams Racing 10 – 4pm for Open and Intemediate groups in the Northern Lake basin, and 1 – 4pm Coaching program for the less experienced Green Fleet group. 

* Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd Top of the Lake regatta for Albert Park Lake club members and visitors from other clubs.
Race documents and online entry link on Online entries are sought by 11pm on Wednesday 19th June, with late entries online till Friday or till midday on the 22nd.
Short races from earlier 1.15pm start time on saturday afternoon, then mid morning to mid afternoon sunday. The regatta incorporates the ASC-APYC Winter Series saturday afternoon race and all ASC and APYC members sailing that race are asked  to enter for the Regatta saturday afternoon session in advance of the 22nd, with the option of entering the full regatta.

Anyone who can assist for a half day or full day of the Regatta weekend and hasn’t already contacted Cindy should contact her via Coverage of key roles is OK but always good to have a few extra people not sailing to assist on-shore, particularly with things like launch and retrievals, or people with rescue boat experience (both drivers and crew) as backups if a rostered person can’t make it on the day.

Parks Victoria’s mid year Aquatic Weed skim and harvesting in Albert Park Lake commenced on 12 June, and runs for weeks. This will improve Lake conditions for the Winter Season, including the upcoming Regattas, club races, and VIODA coaching programs.

Rod Thomas
for Albert Sailing Club committee and members

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Thursday Snippets, 6 June

On the Kings Birthday long weekend there is Social Sailing on Saturday afternoon, with no club racing. The afternoon forecast is looking OK for a winter sail on the Lake with 14 or 15 degrees temperatures and 10 knots SW wind
* The club will be open by 12.30 for BYO lunch and preparations.
* A club RHIB powerboat will be in the water from 1 to 4pm, with club training boats available to be hired across this period, with boats booked in the 1 to 1.30 period (See Rod).
* There will be an informal briefing session in the clubrooms at 1.30 for anyone interested in an informal group sail at past the Island, the Narrows, and further depending on the wind strength.
* The clubrooms will be open all afternoon for tea and coffee and a chat in a warm environment, and Doug’s Bar for drinks from 4pm.

22 and 23 June for Albert Sailing Club’s annual Top of the Lake Regatta, with Multiple short races for dinghy class boats from 13.15pm on saturday afternoon, then mid morning to mid afternoon sunday Go to for the Notice of Race and Registration link. ASC members seeking to hire a club training boat for the Regatta can email Rod via

Another big weekend on the preceding 15/16 June.
* On15th Winter Season Club Race at 2pm with a Pre-Regatta Mini Working Bee in the morning.
* On 16th the VIODA Winter Coaching program continues with a full day of Optimist Teams Racing from 9.30am and Green Fleet Coaching in the afternoon. Again 40 – 45 Optimists out sailing on the Lake from Albert Sailing Club.
* And for something a little different. Friday 14th at 7.30pm two polished acoustic groups in Cadabria and Suzette Herft are performing in the monthly acoustic session at the Albert Park Lounge in the Albert Park Yacht Club function room. Details on

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Photo : Good to have Pam Webster back sailing her Sabre “Aka’ula” in our Winter Season and the Top of the Lake Regatta.

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Thursday Snippets, 30 May

Forecast for sailing on the 1/2 June weekend is for cooler more winter like temperatures, with some wind.
* Saturday club race from 2pm, with visitors welcome. Information Session and Signon at ASC.
* Sunday Week 3 of the VIODA Optimist Class Winter Coaching program 1 to 4pm.
If coming down on sunday note that entry to and parking in Aquatic Drive behind club and preceding Albert Road Drive closed from 8am to 12 noon for a 10km athletics road race. before 12 either park in Albert Road outside the Park or enter the Park’s steel gates and park in the Lakeside Stadium Car Park on western side of Lakeside Stadium.

On the Kings Birthday long weekend Social Sailing (no club race) listed in club calendar for saturday 8 June. The plan is for casual sailing 1 – 4pm, with a club RHIB in the water and club boats available for member use, provided the weather is reasonable. BYO lunch and relax with a drink from Doug’s Bar after sailing. Check the Thursday Snippets email/Facebook of 6 June for confirmation of arrangements. Assistance onshore or in the clubrooms on the saturday 8th will be appreciated.

Go to for the Notice of Race andRegistration link to enter for Albert Sailing Club’s annual Top of the Lake Regatta to be sailed on 22 and 23 June.
Multiple short races scheduled from early saturday afternoon, then mid morning to mid afternoon sunday. We look forward to entries from Albert Park Lake club members and visitors from other clubs.
The regatta incorporates the ASC-APYC Winter Series race on the saturday afternoon and all ASC and APYC members sailing that race are asked  to register for the Regatta saturday afternoon session in advance of the 22nd. Also anyone who can assist on the Regatta weekend should contact Cindy via

APYC Wintersail Coaching Regatta 12 – 14 July, last 3 days of the school Holidays, for junior classes. Details on

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Regatta post with invite text sent to Clubs , Class Associations and Australian Sailing Victoria. On forward to people outside our club who many be interested.

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Thursday Snippets, 23 May

Another weekend of Winter Season sailing from Albert Sailing Club on 25/26 May weekend.
* Saturday club race from 2pm, with visitors welcome. Club training boats available for hire by members from 10.30 for morning or afternoon sailing. Information Session and Signon at APYC.
* Sunday Week 2 of the VIODA Optimist Class Winter Coaching program 1 to 4pm. Come down and see Victoria’s biggest fleet of juniors in action. You can also view the Northern basin and foreshore action on the club website on
On 22/23 Albert Sailing Club’s annual Top of the Lake Regatta for dinghy classes., Multiple short races scheduled on the saturday afternoon, and sunday mid morning to mid afternoon. Sailors of all levels of experience welcome. Notice of Race and Registration link is on the Regatta 2024 link on Get your online Regatta entry in early, and encourage your sailing buddies to sail the Regatta and/or some Winter Season Races at Albert.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Photo; 2023 – 24 Overall Club Champion and Julian Paul Memorial Impulse Class Champion Paul Farrell with Club Commodore Greg Ryan.

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Thursday Snippets, 16 May

Sailing at Albert Sailing Club both days of the 18/19 May weekend.
* Saturday Winter Championship Race 2 from 2pm, with visitors welcome. Club open from 10am, with club training boats available for hire by members from 10.30 for morning or afternoon sailing.
* Sunday we welcome Optimist junior sailors and their families from Melbourne and Regional Victorian Clubs for the start of the VIODA Optimist Class Winter Coaching program which runs 1 to 4pm on sunday afternoons through to early September. The May/June Block 1 program is fully booked with 45 junior sailors,

Albert Sailing Club’s Top of the Lake Regatta is on 22/23 June, with multiple short races scheduled for the saturday afternoon, and sunday mid morning to mid afternoon. The Notice of Race and Registration link is now available on the Regatta 2024 link on Regatta volunteers (either on-water or off-water, one or both days) are now being sought contact Cindy Tilbrook via if you are available.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

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Thursday Snippets, 11 May

The Winter Sailing Season on saturdays is underway.
On 11th May there is Winter Handicap 1 club race at 2pm.
* Following sailing on 11th at 4.45 there is presentation of ASC Perpetual trophies afor the 2023/24 season and at 5pm the club’s Annual General Meeting for members. Doug’s Bar will be open with ‘nibblies’ from 4.30. Post AGM there will be an informal light meal for people staying on with people staying for the meal asked to send an email to Cindy via or add their name(s) to the list on the Galley servery.
* We look forward to good turnout of members at the AGM, both newer and longer term members. AGM documentation is available under The Club – Annual General Meeting tab on This includes the Agenda, Reports and nominations for General Committee and the Zoom meeting link for anyone wanting to sit in remotely on line. The option for Q&A follows the meeting.

* The Winter Season continues on saturdays till late September. Details on options and the Registration link for members of other clubs joining as Winter Associates is on our club website
Attached photo is of the first of our Winter Associates Raf and Mal Heale from Westernport Yacht Club, sailing the ex-Jaemie Wilson Mirror to win the Victorian Mirror Championships sailed at Williamstown at the end of April. Raf sailed Flying Ants at our club in the winter season in the late 1980’s and had a season sailing with Tom King culminting in their win in the World Mirror Chmpionships in 1991. Welcome Raf and Mal. We look forward to other Mirrors sailing on the Lake in winter.

* For members with boats in our club boatyard.
Due to the high usage of racks in the winter season, masts needs to be stored in a mast rack.  A number not in the rack of their boat have been moved to accomodate incoming boats.

  • Mast racks are currently available at the top level of Bay 15, 16, 20, 22, 29, 35, 40, 41, and 42 and in mast racks above walkways between aisles. 
  • Please write your sail number on the mast and spars.
  • If you cannot find your mast, please look for a bay in your row.
  • Additional mast racks are being considered.  Please stay informed.  

 Also a number of unmarked boat trolleys not on boats have been moved to upper racks. It is essential that trolleys are clearly marked with the members name and boat. At some stage later in the year we will be looking to dispose of abandoned trolleys.
Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members.

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Thursday Snippets, 2 May

The Winter Season commences with a full day of sailing on saturday 4th May with the Virgo Ladies and Girls Skippers race in the morning and Winter Series 1 club race from 2pm.  On 11th May there is Winter Handicap club race at 2pm followed by the club’s Annual General Meeting for members at 5pm, preceded by presentation of Perpetual trophies afor the 2023/24 season.

* For the Virgo Race on 4th arrive and sign on 9.30 to 9.50 am. Information Session in clubrooms at 10.15 for a 10.45(ish) start.
This will be a short informal race of up to around an hour for women and girls skippers at all levels of experience. Sail your own boat or a club boat, with a female or male crew, with 1up option depending on boat availability. Female skippers from other clubs most welcome. Also male skippers welcome to sail, with a separate start.

* The Winter Season is on saturdays from 4 May to late September. We look forward to adult and junior members of other clubs sailing a range of dinghy classes with us over the Winter Season. Details on options  and the Registration link for members of other clubs joining as Winter Associates and VIODA Optimist members is on our club website

* Albert Sailing Club Annual General Meeting details including Agenda and Committee Nomination Forms are on the club website, with Commodore and Treasurer Reports being added first week of May. Nominations for club committee need to be with the club secretary by 5pm on saturday 4 May. We look forward to  good turnout of members at the AGM, whether nominating for general committee or to show interest in the club and its future operations and activities. Speak to Greg, Rod, Cindy or a club committee member about involvement in club committee or another role in 2024/25.

In mid April the Mudpuddler Newsletter Autumn edition was forwarded by email direct to members. The online Autumn Mudpuddler can now be downloaded from the club website,au. The Newsletter has plenty of articles and photos of interest, and is worthy of a read and sharing with others with an interst in our activities.

The more settled Autumn weather has arrived and the water level in the Lake is close to its maximum following above average rains in April. It is a good time to visit the club and get out for a sail and catchup with club members and visitors.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Go to to download the Newsletter.

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Thursday Snippets, 25 April

For the coming few weeks :
* Social sailing Anzac Day afternoon from 1.30 with club boats available for hire by members. Come down to sail or have afternoon tea and a chat. From afar check out sailing on club webcam.

* Club Trophy Race from 2pm on saturday 27th

* Full program on saturday 4th May for start of the Winter Season. We are looking forward to a good turnout for the annual Virgo ladies skippers race at 10.45, then club race at 2pm.

* For the Virgo Race arrive and sign on 9.30 to 9.50 am, Information Session in clubrooms at 10.15. This will be a short informal race of up to 1 hour for women and girls skippers at all levels of experience. Sail your own boat or a club boat, with a female or male crew, with 1up option depending on boat availability. Female skippers from other clubs most welcome.

* Winter Season on saturdays from 4 May to late September. Details and Registration link for members of other clubs joining as Winter Associates on our club website

* Albert Sailing Club Annual General Meeting at 5pm after sailing on saturday 11th May. All the details including Agenda and Committee Nomination Forms are on the club website. Nominations for club committee need to be with the club secretary by 4 May. Speak to Greg, Rod, Cindy or a club committee member about involvement in club committee or another role in 2024/25.

* The VIODA Winter Training program on sunday afternoons is on again for junior Optimist sailors at all levels from Melbourne and country clubs. Details and registration now available on The first 4 week block commences on sunday 19th May, and has 35 registrations to date. ASC member enquiries can be directed to Rod or Shinsuke at the club on a saturday or via

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members

Photo : Lucy Matthews and Fleur Chapman, multiple winners of the annual Virgo Ladies skippers race in the period 1989 to 1993, at the ‘wake’ on wednesday following the Memorial Service for Lucy’s dad Geoff, a past Commodore of Albert Sailing Club.

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Autumn Mudpuddler Newsletter and Thursday Snippets, 18 April

This week we have :
* Club sailing on saturday 20th April with club open from 10, and afternoon race from 2pm. There is a rowing Regatta on saturday in the morning into the early afternoon. The rowing course will be roughly from south from adjacent Carousel Restaurant and western side of basin west of Island. Give the Rowers a wide berth and following any instructions from sailing or rowing duty crew.

* A final reminder on the Anzac Day Social Sailing @ ASC on thursday 25 April.with club open from 1pm, with club training boats available for hire by members from 1.30. Option of delicious BBQ Buffet Dinner at $15 adults, and $8 juniors. For the BBQ dinner need to pre-register on by tuesday 23rd. Any updates on Albert Sailing Club Facebook.

* Winter Season on saturdays from 4 May to late Saturday. Details and Registration link for members of other clubs joining as Winter Associates is now on our club website.

* Notice of annual Virgo Ladies Skippers race at 10.45 on saturday 4th May. Own boat or Club boat. Female or Male crew or possibly 1up option.

* Albert Sailing Club Annual General Meeting at 5pm after sailing on saturday 11th May. All the details including Agenda and Committee Nomination Forms now on the club website.

* VIODA junior Optimist Winter Training program details and registration now available on with first 4 week block commencing on sunday 19th May.

Rod Thomas
for ASC committee and members


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